Project Cosmic Hope

Revision as of 07:25, 26 October 2021 by Hinic (talk | contribs) (The Histories of the Taint Wars clearly refer to these as Nexuses instead of Edifices.)

"We, Emperor Ladantine VII, on this twenty-third day of the month of Elohian in the year of Our Holy Empire five hundred and forty-two, announce that it is Our Will and pleasure to proclaim, for the people of the Empire, the unveiling of Project Cosmic Hope. With the support of the Imperial Star Council, We do proclaim and ordain that the Holy Empire shall heretofore embark on a Most Holy mission to expand Our influence over and beyond the Cosmic Planes of existence to reach the Supra Plane and thereby further empower the Empire and Her People to heal the Basin of Life. We do hereby beseech the Imperial Protectorates of Gaudiguch, Magnagora and Hallifax to offer aide in this Most Holy Mission to Our Ambassador, who is also Our Most Glorious Daughter.

Our Proclamation will go into effect at noon on the day following its issuance."


In the days of the Holy Celestine Empire, Emperor Ladantine VII declared his intention to send Celestian researchers out into the farthest reaches of the planescape to discover what laid beyond the Cosmic Planes. Project Cosmic Hope was supported by the Grand Vizier of Magnagora, Rushdam d'Murani, and Ghani n'Rotri of the Master Prophets made very public claims of optimism regarding the potential success of the Project, and members of the Illuminati in Gaudiguch also stood in support of the Emperor. Researchers in Hallifax and leaders of the Gloriana Preserve were much more skeptical, and Rowena Nightshade made an impassioned plea in front of the Board of Governors in Hallifax in an effort to convince them to withdraw their support.

The Fates were consulted during preparations for the Project, and they made a series of prophesies in line with their character: "You will find that which you seek... Your name will be remembered through time... You will die and be reborn. You shall live and not live to see the fruits of your fate." In hindsight, everything they spoke of would indeed become truth, but not in the way the Emperor believed it to be.

When it came time to select which of the protectorates' Nexuses of Power would be the official launching site of the Project, leaders of Gaudiguch and Magnagora lobbied strongly to be chosen. Hallifax, who had previously denied access to their Matrix for use in the Project, later rescinded that decision and invited the Emperor's researchers to choose their city. Weeks later, an Imperial Proclamation announced that on the 13th of Gorgani, in the year 543 IE, Project Cosmic Hope would launch from the Stone of Truth in Magnagora.

The Emperor and his expedition team successfully breached the planescape to discover what he would name the Astral Plane, but when they began to channel a great reservoir of energy back to the Stone of Truth, they unleashed what historians would refer to as the Taint. It corrupted the Holy Emanations of Shallamar and turned them into the Demon Lords.