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Nott -- WIP

Maylea, the Bloom of Serenity

Estarra, the Eternal (by Feyrll)
Maylea, the Bloom of Serenity
Circle Artists
Symbols A crystal orchid refracting light into many colours
Order Head(s) Aramel
Allies None
Enemies None
Patronage Spiritsingers

(Naturally, the picture wouldn't be of Estarra and it will take some fiddling with the width to fit. I was originally going to put a border buffer around the table, but it seems that the text would just never go under it! Also, in terms of pictures for Maylea, I really like the one Saaga did, I think that should be her thumbnail!)

Known amongst the Elders as a minor Fourth Circle Goddess devoted to painting and sculpting the flowers of the First World, Maylea was often called the Bloom of Serenity. Far more serious than many of Her fellow artists, Maylea looked into the spirits of the flowers to find inspiration for Her art, giving the blooms beauty to add meaning to their short-term lives. A quiet and somewhat reclusive Goddess, little else was known about Her during the days of the Elders. In the time of the Elder Wars, She distinguished Herself by making objects of power to help protect the other Elders from the threat of the Soulless. Eventually finding Her way back to the First World in the modern year 208, She soon aligned Herself with the Serenwilde, as it most reminded Her of the purity of Lusternia before the Soulless came.

Maylea values above all else introspection in those who seek Her, as well as a willingness to examine oneself critically. She also approves of curiosity and intellect, encouraging Her followers to express themselves in the way that best suits them, whether that be through art, the craft of combat, or scholarly pursuits. At the same time, She places emphasis on personal responsibility. As once She looked into the spirits of the flowers and painted their best qualities, She seeks to draw the best qualities of Her followers to the fore.