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Revision as of 11:16, 13 October 2010

Professor Ileein Shevat, Execumatrix Magnificus (Male Cloud Trill). He is 41 years old, having been born on the 4th of Avechary, 237 years after the Coming of Estarra. He is ranked 555th in Lusternia. He is an extremely credible character. He is an Alderman in the Territories of Hallifax. He is the Execumatrix Magnificus in the Institute. He holds the position of a Regulatory Affairs Coordinator in the Institute. He is a Chancellor in the University of Cosmic Understanding. He is an Ethereal Wanderer in the Fellowship of Explorers. His motto: 'Make Tomorrow a Brighter Day for Science!' He is deemed an Apprentice by the Bardic Council of Vesteran Honours. He is accounted Talespinner among literary writers. He is accounted Bachelor of Science among scholars. He is a first generation member of the Shevat family. He bears the Institute Honour of the Taroch Prize in Temporal Mechanics. He witnessed the Rings of the Iron Lady performance of the Czigany Wayfaire. He is an Honourary Shepherd of the Rocks. He enacted the ritual of the Cay of Cloadahi, protecting the Inner Sea. He was the first Administrator of the Institute in modern times. He assisted Kravch to bring vengeance upon the taurians of Verasavir Valley. He helped the shaman Rynak vanquish the ghost-wolves of Verasavir Valley. He is known to the dwarves as Kingmaker. He solved the mysterious murder at Stewart Mansion. He aided Etil'ck Arthar'rt in his attempt to cleanse the taint. He has scribed the tales of old Celest into the Tome of Remembrance. He is a Lord of the Transphenortex Grid, mastering the Sculptures of Harmony. He has used the Hand of Tzaraziko to empower Hallifax. He summoned a mirror army to annihilate the Dracnari Nomad Camp. He is an honorary staff member at the Clarramore Cloud Gardens. He is a comrade of the Commissariat for Transdimensional Maintenance. He is the Matchmaker, having brought lovers together at the Chateau d'Amour. He bears the Aeromancers Honour of the Mark of the Higher Intellect. He helped the centaurs of the Hifarae Hills drive out Gromagh's horde. He has earned the title of Savior to the Gnomes.