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Skill Learned At Description
Polearms ?+?% Master over the long-reaching polearm
LacterateArm ?+?% Mangle the main artery of the arms.
LacerateLeg ?+?% Mangle the main artery of the legs
Steed ?+?% Train and tend to your humble steed.
Maneuvers ?+?% Refine your attacks with more focus.
Tender ?+?% Keep your mount in pristine condition.
FurrowBrow ?+?% Let blood flow into the eyes.
Obstruction ?+?% Block egress from atop your steed.
BreakNose ?+?% Major wounds to the nose.
OpenGut ?+?% Split open the gut.
Muster ?+?% Muster your steed to your side.
Cleave ?+?% Cleave through their defences with a powerful jab.
BreakArm ?+?% Major wounds to the arms.
Guard ?+?% Maintain your offense with a good defense.
PunctureChest ?+?% Poke a hole in the chest.
Hook ?+?% Hook your opponent's weapon after a successful parry.
Wind ?+?% Knock the wind out of your opponent.
BreakChest ?+?% Major wounds to the chest's ribs.
SteedCharge ?+?% A relentless charge to separate your target from the pack.
Warcry ?+?% Below a furious roar to attract attention.
Knockdown ?+?% Send a person tumbling to the ground.
Sunder ?+?% Brutally sweep through your enemy's guards.
GashCheek ?+?% Induce a muscular twitch.
Joust ?+?% The most brutal of mounted traditions.
JaggedWound ?+?% A long, brutal gash to cause intense bleeding.
ShatterAnkle ?+?% Shatter ankles to prevent movement.
FarGuard ?+?% Protect an ally from above.
SliceBicep ?+?% Weaken your foe's strike by cutting muscle.
OpenChest ?+?% Slow down foes by laying open their chest.
Heft ?+?% Strengthen your assault with a powerful blow.
CrackElbow ?+?% Cracking the arm joint stops defensive moves.
Impale ?+?% Brutally pin someone in place with your polearm.
FractureSkull ?+?% Minor wounds to the head.
Rend ?+?% Viciously rip your impaled polearm from your target's body.
Recovery ?+?% Follow through on your missed strikes.
CrushChest ?+?% Devastating wounds to the chest's ribs.
CrushArm ?+?% Devastating wounds to the arms.
PinCharge ?+?% Brutally charge your target, impaling him through the gut.
CrushLeg ?+?% Devastating wounds to the legs.
SeverSpine ?+?% A blow to the gut so hard it shatters the spine.
BashBrain ?+?% Crushing the skill and that which it contains.
Skewer ?+?% Strike someone through the chest for a fatal wound.