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Revision as of 13:03, 5 January 2016

The viscanti are unlike most of the other races because they did not originate from the fragmentation of an Elder God. Rather, the viscanti came into being as victims of the Taint at the time of the Fall of the Celestine Empire. The viscanti were originally members of the other native Lusternian races who were directly caught in the Taint and whose forms became twisted, just as the land became twisted. Through years of interbreeding, they have become recognized as a race unto themselves. Generally, they are of a demonic appearance though some viscanti retain vestigial characteristics of other races, such as wings of trills (though bat-like and ineffective for flying) or pointed ears of the elfen. The greater viscanti have the ability to breathe poison gas. Although most reside in the Magnagora and neighboring tainted land, a few viscanti have been known to become "reformed" and live in other civilized areas.

Language: Common

Level 1 1/4 resistance to cutting and blunt damage.
Level 25 2/4 resistance to poison damage
Level 50 1/10 health and mana regen in tainted environments.

Viscanti with the Necromancy specialisation gain a 1/10 bonus to excorable and poison damage.

Viscanti with the Geomancy or Geochemantics specialisation gain a 1/10 bonus to asphyxiation and poison damage.

Viscanti with the Necroscream specialisation gain a 1/10 bonus to excorable and cutting damage.

Demigod Poison gas. The Viscanti is immune from poison gas. While attacking other players the Viscanti has a 5% chance to exhale poison gas at their target, dealing poison damage and inflicting the target with asthma.
Demigod+ The Viscanti can exhale a poison gas cloud, dealing poison damage to all non Viscanti on their ENEMY list and afflicting them with sickness. Poison gas now has a 10% chance to trigger on all attacks against denizens. (Attacks against other players remains at 5%)