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Revision as of 07:21, 21 December 2021

Descended from the Elder God Agnomenon, the gnomes came to being in the cold recesses of aetherspace rather than on the world of Lusternia itself. Remarkably intelligent, they developed aetherships on their own which eventually led them to found a colony in Newton Caverns. Smaller than dwarves, gnomes are great tinkerers and have an affinity with aethership travel.

Language: Common

Level 1 2/4 resistance to poison damage.
Level 25 2/4 resistance to electrical damage.
Level 50 Gnomes have spent centuries out in the vast of aetherspace, interacting and trading with all forms of life. Their experiences have given them an innate knack for diplomacy. Increased village ego attacks while influencing.
Demigod Experienced crewman. Reduced equilibrium costs on aethercraft chair and grid modules.
Demigod+ Improved Trait: Veteran of the Aetherways. Reduced power costs on aethercraft chair modules, increased hull and module healing on grid modules.