Difference between revisions of "Prime Material Plane"

1,255 bytes added ,  00:20, 10 July 2022
→‎Mount Dio: This now transcludes.
(→‎Mount Dio: This now transcludes.)
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#REDIRECT [[Planescape#The Prime Material Plane]]
The '''Prime Material Plane''' is the largest region of [[Lusternia]].
==Known Continents==
===[[Basin of Life]]===
{{:Basin of Life}}
*It is home to the cosmically important locations of [[Avechna's Peak]] and the [[Portal of Fate]], along with all the major [[Playerorgs|Cities and Communes]] of the current era.
===[[Mount Dio]]===
{{:Mount Dio}}
===[[The Undervault]]===
A giant network of large caverns and winding tunnels directly below the Basin. Original home of the [[kephera]] and [[illithoid]] races.
A harsh arctic region. The [[Northern Icewynd Mountains|Northern]] and [[Southern Icewynd Mountains]] encircle the [[Iceburn Plains]].
A refuge dating back to the [[Vernal Wars]], it became a flashpoint during the [[War of the Wheel]].
===wasteland beyond===
The wastes outside the Basin are inaccessible and inhospitable. There are some, such as the [[Horizon Walkers]], who venture out undaunted.
*[[Jojobo Jungle]] exists somewhere in the wasteland. Sustained by the [[Holy Sunpride Baobab]].
==Intercontinental Travel==
Travel between continents can be quite difficult and is often done through the use of [[Planar#Gateweave|adventurer-maintained gate]]s to the adjacent [[Ethereal Plane]], [[curio]]s or [[artifact]]s.
[[Category: Planescape]]
