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Latest revision as of 04:57, 15 June 2023

The Cult of Transcendent Flesh is a group of transmologists who alter themselves deeply and permanently.

  • They trace back a group of Illuminati extremists who were exiled a few years before the Taint Wars. They sought to create avatars of the Fleshpots known as "Paragons".

"Their reverence of the Fleshpots bordered on fanatical, and members would risk incurable insanity and psychosis by transforming and augmenting their bodies with transmology permanently, a practice considered overly dangerous and self-destructive by most practitioners of the transmological arts and primarily used historically in experimentation on traitors and prisoners." - Chixieya Ninchi (Events #499)

  • With the dissolution of the modern Illuminati guild, this group sees itself as the only legitimate inheritors of the Illuminati mantle and legacy.
  • In 629 CE, a figure arrived in the city with a beard of tentacles. The figure sought information about "Paragons" before snapping its own neck. (Events #499)