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The '''Seventh Circle of the Divine''', recognized alongside the members of the [[Sixth Circle]] for having a deep desire to create life, were known as the Creators of the Divine Pantheon. They populated the oceans with fish, the skies with birds, and the lands with creatures. But no matter what They created, no matter how much They labored, there was no soul within the bodies of Their creations. However, as the aeons passed, certain of Their creatures who survived and thrived and multiplied, developed what the [[Fifth Circle]] called a “hive soul”, wherein the sum of all the sparks of life within a particular group was greater than the individual creatures. A sentience arose within these species, also called [[Great Spirit]]s, which were able to physically manifest and think and communicate with their creators. Thus, the Sixth Circle and the Seventh Circle shared jointly the manifestation of the two types of Great Spirits – the Awakeners guided the ephemeral spirits to sentience and the Creators created the animals who formed collective spirits.
[[Category: Elder Gods|7]]
