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m (Missing Break)
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|cost = Damage Type: 100% Poison
|cost = Damage Type: 100% Poison
|description = This can be cast in a single tainted location or throughout your demesne. The land becomes a  poisonous wasteland, which occasionally releases clouds of noxious gasses. These clouds will seep into the throats of your personal enemies, sickening them. Those enemies who try to escape by burrowing within this tainted earth will have their flesh slowly eaten away.
|description = This can be cast in a single tainted location or throughout your demesne. The land becomes a  poisonous wasteland, which occasionally releases clouds of noxious gasses. These clouds will seep into the throats of your personal enemies, sickening them. Those enemies who try to escape by burrowing within this tainted earth will have their flesh slowly eaten away.
This ability can be blocked by a scroll of protection.

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|description = From anywhere in your demesne, you can instantly transport to the centre of your demesne. If you are outside your demesne, but on the same plane and terrain type as your demesne, you may teleport back to the center of your demesne at a cost of two power.
|description = From anywhere in your demesne, you can instantly transport to the centre of your demesne. If you are outside your demesne, but on the same plane and terrain type as your demesne, you may teleport back to the center of your demesne at a cost of two power.
|skillname = Dissolve
|syntax = DISSOLVE <target>
|description = You can dissolve the aura of protection around those who are using it to escape some of the powers of your demesne. This requires balance but not equilibrium and is a very fast attack.

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|description = This can be cast in a single tainted location or throughout your demesne. A dust storm will rise up and obscure all exits and blind your enemies. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the location of the demesne where you stand and adjacent locations that also reside in the demesne. But, as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift location with you.
|description = This can be cast in a single tainted location or throughout your demesne. A dust storm will rise up and obscure all exits and blind your enemies. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the location of the demesne where you stand and adjacent locations that also reside in the demesne. But, as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift location with you.
This ability can be blocked by a scroll of protection.
|skillname = Lodestone
|description = This can be cast in a single tainted location or throughout your demesne. A powerful magnetic pull from the ground will strip the levitation defense from your enemies. For those without levitation, this pull will knockdown your enemies and give them a short stun. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the location of the demesne where you stand and adjacent locations that also reside in the demesne. But, as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift location with you. It will also block use of natural forest when cast.

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|skillname = StoneRain
|skillname = Stonerain
|description = This can be cast in a single tainted location or throughout your demesne. Those of your enemies who fly will be pelted with stones, forcing them to crash into the ground. The rain of stone will also cause rubble to randomly appear in the location. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the location of the demesne where you stand and adjacent locations that also reside in the demesne. But, as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift location with you.
|description = This can be cast in a single tainted location or throughout your demesne. Those of your enemies who fly will be pelted with stones, forcing them to crash into the ground. The rain of stone will also cause rubble to randomly appear in the location. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the location of the demesne where you stand and adjacent locations that also reside in the demesne. But, as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift location with you.
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|description = This can be cast in a single tainted location or throughout your demesne. Those of your enemies who walk upon the tainted earth will contract a debilitating sickness that will make healing more difficult. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the location of the demesne where you stand and adjacent locations that also reside in the demesne. But, as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift location with you.
|description = This can be cast in a single tainted location or throughout your demesne. Those of your enemies who walk upon the tainted earth will contract a debilitating sickness that will make healing more difficult. If it is cast for your demesne, it will only affect the location of the demesne where you stand and adjacent locations that also reside in the demesne. But, as you move throughout different areas of your demesne, it will shift location with you.
This ability can be blocked by a scroll of protection.