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==Notable Denizens==
==Notable Denizens==
*'''Meleris, Keeper of the Pool of Stars''' - Fine scales of deep blue, like the ocean at midnight, shimmer over with faint pinpoints of light and give this ancient merian a regal and statuesque appearance. He almost appears as though he were part [[lucidian]], but the state of his scales and the marks of his raiments make it obvious that he has gained his looks from a long life attending to the Pool of Stars. His features are rugged and well-defined, with ridges of bone and scale marking his chin, cheekbones, and eyeridges. His fanning ears sweep back, long and graceful, accompanying twin dorsal fins with iridescent sails that arch back from his shoulders like wings. He wears a painstakingly detailed regalia of white robes fringed in gold and platinum threading, and a sash draping his dorsal fins made of a black silken material studded with reflective points.
*'''Meleris, Keeper of the Pool of Stars''' - Fine scales of deep blue, like the ocean at midnight, shimmer over with faint pinpoints of light and give this ancient merian a regal and statuesque appearance. He almost appears as though he were part [[lucidian]], but the state of his scales and the marks of his raiments make it obvious that he has gained his looks from a long life attending to the Pool of Stars. His features are rugged and well-defined, with ridges of bone and scale marking his chin, cheekbones, and eyeridges. His fanning ears sweep back, long and graceful, accompanying twin dorsal fins with iridescent sails that arch back from his shoulders like wings. He wears a painstakingly detailed regalia of white robes fringed in gold and platinum threading, and a sash draping his dorsal fins made of a black silken material studded with reflective points.
*[[Naedaros Inalai]]
*'''Naedaros Inalai''' - Dressed in fine silk garments of rich aquamarines and endless azure blues, this young merian has an air of duty and devotion about him. A gentle but firm look remains upon his aquatic features, his ocean blue eyes set into his thin face, while his azure-crested fins rise up from his scalp and falling behind him, close to the skull yet far enough to lend a sense of noble presence. The star of Celest has been stitched over his left breast, just above where his heart no doubt beats below. About his neck, on a single cord of silver, hangs a small pink conch shell, which glows with the same gentle tones. Naedaros' dress robes have been layered with a dazzling golden stole of silk that wraps about his shoulders and his upper arms, hanging in against his chest while leaving the long, rich scarlet sleeves bared as they run down his arms, split for his forearm's fins and ending in gold stitching and gilding, near skin tight while his fins fit perfectly through the sharp, v-like openings in the material on both forearms. His robes have been loosely bound at the waist with a braided rope of golden thread, the knotted ends tasseled and dancing with the slightest caress of the air. Hard leather boots dyed a gentle azure colour peak out beneath his outfit, their metallic heels clacking against the stone floors of the halls he often treads.
*[[Gathelta Highwater]]
*[[Gathelta Highwater]]
*[[Aural Tildarmin]]
*[[Aural Tildarmin]]