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===The Old Palace of Celest===
===A collapsed lighthouse===
===A crumbled graveyard and mausoleum===
===The Crystal Sea Monument===
Built of white marble with veins of gold, the Crystal Sea Monument rises up from the barren shoreline of the Isle of Spectres. It has been sculpted into the form of a stylized whale upon a pedestal of ocean waves. A circle of 7 buttons of different precious gems stands out prominently upon the monument: ruby, opal, emerald, coral, onyx, garnet, and pearl. Underneath this circle of gems is some writing etched into the marble. The whale's mouth has an empty, irregular cavity into which it appears something may be set.
==Notable Denizens==
==Notable Denizens==
*'''the spectre of Rudzine Reltine''' - It is clear upon inspecting the spectre that Rudzine was a portly man in his previous existence. A round faced [[merian]], he is wearing ethereal clothing of wealth and nobility, with elegant embroidery and fine materials. He carries with him in his right hand a scroll of palace records from ages ago. An important and prominent figure in the palace past, the Steward now floats in limbo, confined to the eternal prison of undeath. The spectre of Rudzine Reltine is quite powerful.
*'''the spectre of Gardener Alodale Merule''' - Fading slowly in and out of view, he appears to be scanning the ground for signs of life, or a lost gardening tool. He is clad with a jacket with many pockets, and the dead remains of miscellaneous bulbs for planting hang from a hook on his belt. The spectre of Gardener Alodale Merule is quite powerful.
==Flora and Fauna==
==Flora and Fauna==
*'''a spectral paladin''' - His race no longer discernible, this apparition is armored head to toe in ancient plate mail. A lengthy white cape trails behind him, whipping about as if it was being blown by massive winds. Upon his head he wears a glowing helm, his despairing dead eyes staring through it. The once noble valor of this phantom is now lost as he wanders the lands broken and without a holy purpose. A spectral paladin appears to be extraordinarily strong.
*'''a spectral woman''' - Unaware of who or what she once was, this spectral woman is clothed in ancient rags. Her eyes are cloudy like eggshells, no pupils apparent on the glowing white globes. She floats around with an appearance of despair and melancholy, as if she has lost her way. Her hair sways in the air as if it was floating in water, standing on end. A spectral woman is not one to be trifled with.
*'''a spectral man''' - Unaware of who or what he once was, this spectral man is clothed in ancient rags. His eyes have become cloudy like eggshells, no pupils apparent on the glowing white globes. He floats around with an appearance of despair and melancholy, as if he has lost someone close to him. His hair sways in the air as if it was floating in water, standing on end. A spectral man is not one to be trifled with.
*'''a spectral girl''' - Lost of who or what she once was, this small spectre of a female child is clothed in ancient rags. Her eyes are cloudy like eggshells, no pupils apparent on the small white globes. She floats around with an appearance of despair and melancholy, as if she has lost her way. Her hair sways in the air as if it was floating in water, standing on end. A spectral girl exudes a quiet confidence.