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==Ways of Connecting to Lusternia==
==Ways of Connecting to Lusternia==

The [http://www.lusternia.com Lusternia] Nexus client is often the first way that a new character is introduced to the world of Lusternia. It does require Java which can be downloaded at the [http://www.java.com Java homepage]. Some people, however, prefer to use an alternative client such as [http://www.mudlet.org/ Mudlet], [http://www.gammon.com.au/mushclient/mushclient.htm MUSHclient], [http://www.zuggsoft.com/zmud/zmudinfo.htm zMUD], or [http://www.zuggsoft.com/index.php?p=cmud CMUD]. Please note other clients may be available to use.
The [http://www.lusternia.com Lusternia] Nexus client is often the first way that a new character is introduced to the world of Lusternia. It does require Java which can be downloaded at the [http://www.java.com Java homepage]. Some people, however, prefer to use an alternative client such as [http://www.mudlet.org/ Mudlet], [http://www.gammon.com.au/mushclient/mushclient.htm MUSHclient], [http://www.zuggsoft.com/zmud/zmudinfo.htm zMUD], or [http://www.zuggsoft.com/index.php?p=cmud CMUD]. Please note other clients may be available to use, but you will need the telnet address ( lusternia.com ), the port ( 23 ), and perhaps the IP ( )

==Creating Your First Character==
==Creating Your First Character==