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==Escaping to the Void==
==Escaping to the Void==
The [[Domothean Spires]] protecting the Basin were beginning to fail, having sustained so many different attacks by the Soulless.  
The [[Domothean Spires]] protecting the Basin were beginning to fail, having sustained so many different attacks by the Soulless. A convocation of Elders was held to discuss the findings of Roark, who had been studying intraplanar matrices and dimensional anomalies in the hopes of understanding where Magnora and Dynara disappeared to. The answer was clear; to find Magnora and Dynara, the Gods would need to go to the most unstable point in reality - the Void. To assist them in getting back, Roark planned to construct a beacon that could be activated on the First World when the threat of the Soulless was gone.
To avoid attracting the attention of the Soulless, the Gods used the same portal used to exile the Twelve, and left in groups of five at a time. [[Agnomenon]], Fininkora, [[Carakhan]], [[Luriki]] and Panamandius had just left through the portal when a devastating attack from the Soulless destroyed the Domothean Spires once and for all. It was unclear if the last group ever managed to successfully enter the Void, but there was one thing the Gods left in the Basin knew for sure - They were trapped here.

==Splintered Star-Gods, and the Birth of the Mortal Races==
==Splintered Star-Gods, and the Birth of the Mortal Races==
Nearly two thousand years passed, and in that time, the Elder Gods' essence began to spontaneously splinter into thousands of different entities, each resembling the God whose existence was shattered to create them. Unlike the Elders, these beings, star-shaped with two arms, two legs, and a head, had limited lifespans, and could procreate, and so began the mortal races of Lusternia.
Bollikin was the first to splinter, and the race of the [[furrikin]] came from Him. Elfenehoala was next, though Her splintered mortals were more homogenous - the [[elfen]]. Tae became the [[tae'dae]], and Loboshi became the [[loboshigaru]]. During this time, Mugowumpois studied the mortals very closely, watching them, interviewing them, and recording their history. She learned that each mortal carried with them a shard of divinity, meaning that they had the potential to become an Elder God once more, but their fragile form and various weaknesses meant that none survived long against the Soulless.
Mugowumpois also discovered that when these mortals died, their souls did not merely dissipate into nonexistence, but were instead reincarnated within a new body. While this seemed remarkable, a more fascinating discovery soon presented itself; the souls of mortals, because of their ability to reincarnate, could never be absorbed by the Soulless. Normally, when an Elder was consumed by the Soulless, They grew stronger, but when the Soulless feasted upon mortals, They actually became more lethargic. So long as a pocket of each mortal race was kept alive, the Soulless could never truly absorb the essence of the splintered Gods. The remaining Elders' purpose was renewed: They were to preserve the mortal races for as long as possible, until Roark and those who ventured out into the Void returned with Dynara and Magnora.

==The Portal of Fate==
==The Portal of Fate==
The Elders weren't the only beings to find newfound purpose with the birth of the mortal races; the Fates, who had been simply observing the Elders in their war against the Soulless, now had the duty of recording the lives of mortals on the Tapestry of Fate. Because of their ability to reincarnate, a mortal's destiny was not a straight or continuous line, but rather a pattern of infinite and unending possibility. They also gifted Xyl with blueprints for a new construction - the [[Portal of Fate]].
The exact nature of the Portal was never revealed to the Gods, but the effect it had on mortals who passed through it was tremendous. If they survived the journey through the Portal and returned, they almost invariably went on to perform heroic deeds in Lusternia. These heroes were actually able to withstand the attacks of the Soulless, at least with far more success than their progenitors, and so the Gods did everything They could to encourage mortals to make a pilgrimage to Mount Dynara to pass through the Portal of Fate. [[Trillillial]], for instance, wrote songs and stories to lead mortals across the Basin on this quest.
For the first time since They began to splinter, the Elders actually desired this for Themselves, as it was becoming clear that Their efforts could change the course of history and finally present the Soulless with worthy adversaries. Mugowumpois was the next God to splinter, creating the [[mugwump|mugwumps]], and Xyl and Trillillial soon followed, becoming the [[lucidian]] and [[trill]] races, respectively.

==A Final Revelation==
==A Final Revelation==

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