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If your target has all 3 head afflictions, you will do an additional 50 bruising.
If your target has all 3 head afflictions, you will do an additional 50 bruising.
|skillname = Ninaali
|description = Surge High Stance 
Bonus Effect: Sickening                                     
|skillname = Ninaali
|description = Surge Low Stance 
Effect: 37 Bruising and 75 Bleeding                                     
|skillname = Ninini
|syntax = KA NININI <HANDS|BODY><br>
|cost = Effect: 1/8 blunt resistance when wrapped around the body.<br>
Additional blunt damage when wrapped around the hands
|description = Wrap your jakari chain around your hands to improve their effectiveness in unarmed combat or wrap them around your body to give you a higher degree of protection. Note that while wrapped, you may not use the jakari chains to attack nor may you wield another. The chains may be unraveled for use in combat again.
|skillname = Ninthugi
|syntax = KA NINTHUGI <target> <bodypart> RIGHT|LEFT<br>
|cost = Kata:  Leg Action <br>
Bodyparts: Head, Chest, Gut, Rarm, Larm, Rleg, Lleg<br>
Stance: Center
|description = Head: Head: DamagedSkull<br>
Chest: CrushedChest<br>
Gut:  InternalBleeding<br>
Limbs: take or extend ice bal by 1s