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Note from the Chroniclers: For information regarding pre-overhaul stats allocated to all races, please go to [[Races (pre-overhaul)]]

{| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Race'''
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Description'''
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Level 25'''
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Level 50'''
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Level 75'''
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Demigod +'''
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Artifact'''
|'''[[Aslaran]]'''||Cat-like race, very fast.||1/3 Natural Area Health Regen||2/4 Cold Resist||Celerity||Pursuit||Stunning Pursuit
|'''[[Dracnari]]'''||Dragon-like race, can breathe fire||1/4 Psychic Resist<br>Breathe Fire||2/4 Fire Resist||1/3 Burning Area Health & Mana Regen||Breath of Dracnoris|| Ranged Breath
|· Illuminated Dracnari||Pyromancers and Illuminati|| || || || ||
|· Guardian Dracnari||Warriors specializing in Paradigmatics || || || || ||
|'''[[Dwarf]]'''||Small, though stout, people.||1/4 Fire/Cold Resist||1/4 Blunt/Cutting Resist||Elemental Movement Resist<br>Axelord Specialisation (two-hand axe)<br>Music: Improved Empower/seduction influence||Guts of Steel||Raging Alcoholic
|'''[[Elfen]]'''||Lithe people of the forests.||2/4 Magic Resist||2/4 Psychic Resist||1/3 Forest Health/Mana Regen||6/10 Natural Health/Mana/Ego Regen||2/10 Natural All Damage/Resist
|· Elfen Lord||Warriors specializing in Moon or Stag || || || || ||
|· High Elfen||Followers of Moon or Stag || || || || ||
|· Wild Elfen||Students of Wildarrane || || || || ||
|'''[[Faeling]]'''||A cross between an elfen and a fae creature.||2/4 Divinus Resist||Flying||1/3 Forest Health/Mana Regen||6/10 Natural Health/Mana/Ego Regen||2/10 Natural All Damage/Resist
|· Shadowcaster Faeling||Followers of Night or Crow || || || || ||
|· Shadowlord Faeling||Warriors specializing in Night or Crow || || || || ||
|· Shadowsinger Faeling||Students of Shadowbeat || || || || ||
|'''[[Fink]]'''||Twisted matriarchal race born in aetherspace.||2/4 Cold Resist||2/4 Asphyx Resist||Improved Dramatics Performances||Aethercraft Turret Bonuses||Turret Equilibrium Bonus
|'''[[Furrikin]]'''||Tiny, furry people who are very fast.||2/4 Cold resist||2/4 Magic Resist|| Improved Seduction/Charity Influence||SLIP and ROLL: Improved Writhe and Somersault||Multi-room Roll
|'''[[Gnome]]'''||Short, technological race who travel aetherspace.||2/4 Poison Resist||2/4 Electricity Resist||Improved Village Influence||Aethercraft Chair/Grid Equilibrium Bonus||Grid and Chair Bonuses
|'''[[Human]]'''||The most adaptive of the Lusternian races.||Increased Experience Gain||1/3 Urban Health Regen||Firstaid and Diagnose EQ Bonus<br>Healers Only: 2/10 Health Regeneration||Reduced Death Loss<br>Karma/Esteem Bonus||1/10 All Damage/Resist
|'''[[Igasho]]'''||Largest of all races, extremely hairy.||2/4 Cold Resist||Scaling Bonus||Warmth Bonus<br> Blademaster Weapon Specialty||Carry||Unstoppable Carry
|'''[[Illithoid]]'''||Serpent-like psionic vampires.||1/4 Poison/Psychic Resist||2/4 Excorable Resist||2/10 Underground Health/Ego Regen<br>Ninjakari or Nekotai Weapon Specialty||Inner worm: Up to ||Improved Inner Worm
|'''[[Kephera]]'''||Very matriarchal and psionic insectoids.||1/4 Cutting/Blunt Resist||2/4 Psychic Resist||1/3 Underground Health/Ego Regen<br> Shofangi or Tahtetso Weapon Specialty||Chitinous Hide: Bonus Unequipped Armor||Special Damage Reduction
|'''[[Krokani]]'''||One-eyed giants.||2/4 resistance to blunt damage||2/4 resistance to magical damage||Glance/Observe EQ removed<br>Bonecrusher bludgeon bonus||Trait: Enhanced Vision||Improved Trait: Sight Beyond Seeing
|'''[[Loboshigaru]]'''||Wolf-like race, strong regeneration.||2/4 resistance to cold damage. ||2/4 resistance to fire damage. ||Empower/Paranoia Ego Attack bonus || Trait: Enhanced Regeneration || Improved Trait: Enhanced Regeneration+
|'''[[Lucidian]]'''||Crystal people of logic and intellect. ||2/4 resistance to magic damage. ||2/4 resistance to psychic damage. ||1/3 Health/Mana bonus in cloudy environs<br>Aeonics: gain 1/10 bonus to excorable/magical damage<br>Aeromancy/chemantics gain 1/10 bonus to asphyxiation/lightning damage<br>Loralaria gain 1/10 to cold/asphyxiation damage || Trait: Supercharged ||Improved Trait: Overcharged
|· Prismatic Lucidian||Lucidians that specialise in Aeromancy. || || || || ||
|· Adamantine Lucidian||Warriors specializing in Aeonics || || || || ||
|'''[[Merian]]'''||A very noble, waterbreathing race. ||2/4 cold resistance<br>Can breathe underwater ||DIVE<br>Merians who know dive gain reduced balance on SWIM while underwater ||1/3 health/mana regen in flooded environs<br>Sacraments gain 1/10 bonus to divinus/electrical damage<br>Aquamancy/chemantics gain 1/10 bonus to cold/asphyxiation damage<br>Starhymn gain 1/10 to divinus/fire damage ||Trait: Natural Born Leader || Improved Trait: Natural Born Leader+
|· Imperial Merian||Merians specialising in Aquamancy or Celestialism || || || || ||
|· Merian Lord||Warriors specializing in Sacraments || || || || ||
|· Seasinger Merian||Students of Starhymn || || || || ||
|'''[[Mugwump]]'''||Amphibious race with keen intellect. ||1/3 mana regen ||LEAP/breathe underwater naturally<br>Mugwumps who know leap from other sources gain reduced balance recovery when LEAPing ||Bonus to Empower/Charity ego attacks ||Trait: Mental Superiority ||Improved Trait: Mental Superiority+
|'''[[Orclach]]'''||Warrior race, large and strong. ||1/4 blunt/cutting resistance ||1/4 magic/cold damage ||Corpse offerings to divine worth +5%<br>Pureblade speciality (two-handed sword) ||Trait: Embrace death ||Improved Trait: Fain's gift
|'''[[Tae'Dae]]'''||Bear-like race, extremely charismatic and strong. ||1/4 blunt/cutting resist ||1/4 poison/cold resist ||1/3 ego regen<br>Cavalier specialisation (polearms)<br> Music Specialisation: Bonus to empower/charity ego attacks ||Ability: BEARHUG ||Improved Ability: Denizen BEARHUG/Instakill BEARHUG (<15% health)
|'''[[Taurian]]'''||Bull-like race, dangerous in herds. ||2/4 cutting resist ||2/4 electrical resist ||2/10 health regen ||Ability: ENRAGE ||Improved Ability: Channeled Aggression
|'''[[Trill]]'''||Feathered, bird-like race that can fly. ||1/4 cold/electrical resist ||FLY naturally<br>Trill who can fly by other means are no longer knocked from the sky, stunned instead for 2sec. ||1/3 health/mana regen in cloudy environs<br>Aeonics: 1/10 divinus/magical damage <br>Aeromancy/chemantics: 1/10 asphyx/lightning damage<br>Loralaria: 1/10 cold/asphyx damage  ||Ability: EJECT ||Improve Ability: EJECT now travels up to 5 rooms.
|· Cloud Trill||Trills specialising in Aeromancy || || || || ||
|· Storm Trill||Warrios specializing in Aeonics || || || || ||
|'''[[Viscanti]]'''||The Tainted race. || ||http://wiki.lusternia.com/Divine || || ||
|· Master Viscanti||Viscanti specialising in Geomancy or Nihilism ||1/4 cutting/blunt resist ||2/4 poison resist ||1/3 health/mana regen in tainted environs<br>Necromancy: 1/10 bonus to excorable/poison damage<br>Geomancy/chemantics: 1/10 bonus to Asphyx/poison damage<br>Necroscream: 1/10 bonus to excorable/cutting damage || ||
|· Brood Viscanti||Warriors specializing in Necromancy || || || || ||
|· Irontongue Viscanti||Students of Necroscream || || || || ||
If you find yourself unhappy with your race, you have available to you, once in your lifetime, a free reincarnation. While dead, you must journey to the Portal of Fate, and <tt>REINCARNATE INTO <race></tt>. Doing so allows you to choose a new race. You must be dead to reincarnate.
If you are looking for members of your own race, <tt>RACEWHO</tt> (or just <tt>RWHO</tt>) will show you people online, who are visible to you, of your race.