Atavian Dwarf
Racial Skills: Flight, Hover, Air Stability, Blood Regen Racial Skills: Alcohol Resist, Improved Forging, Endurance Regen, Rock Harvest
Winged humans, a mixed breed descended from the peoples of Aerie. Hardy, hirsute beings nearly identical to humans, only much shorter and much stouter. Dwarves make their homes in a wide variety of mountains and hills.
Grecht Grook
Racial Skills: Soaring, Air Stability, Nightsight, Lunar Regen Racial Skills: Swimming, Underwater Breath, Water Regen, Fire Retardant
A race of bat people from the Northern Tundra, night-based hunters who soar on the air. Amphibious "frog men" from the distant island paradise of Ulangi. Known for their love of intellectual pursuits.
Human Horkval
Racial Skills: Imp. Meditation, Imp. Sleep, Selfishness, Blood Reserves Racial Skills: Clicking, Leap, Health Regen, Listening
Among the oldest races of Sapience, humans call no single place home. They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Evolved insectoid beings originating from the island Ulangi. They are one of the least-understood races, and are rumored to share a like consciousness, called a "hive mind".
Imp Kelki
Racial Skills: Tumble, Willpower Regen, Stalking, Heatsight Racial Skills: Swimming, Underwater Breath, Water Regen, Fast Swimmer
The favorite race of the late goddess Khepri, imps are very short humanoids, often bearing wings, tails, and horns. They are nearly as ubiquitous as humans. Created by Slyphe from a combination of various aquatic beings, the kelki are the masters of the oceans, rivers, and other watery bodies of Aetolia. Most of them once lived in the city of Kelsys, before it was destroyed.
Mhun Rajamala
Racial Skills: Dig, Underground Regen, Blood Regen, Rock Crush Racial Skills: Grooming, Imp. Sleep, Dash, Scent
The mhun originated from the underground civilization of Moghedu. They are nearly identical to humans, but tend to be a bit shorter, with bodies adapted to dark, subterranean environments. A race of feline peoples from the Itzatl Rainforest. Resembling the great hunting cats of the wilds, they are considered the quickest race of Aetolia.
Troll Tsol'aa
Racial Skills: Satiation, Gripping, Health Regen, Natural Clotting Racial Skills: Forage, Imp. Harvesting, Hide, Forest Regen
Massive, musclebound humanoids who originate from the ruined city of Hashan. Slender and beautiful, tsol'aa serve as the analog for elves in Aetolia. Their race chiefly originates from the forests and woodlands of Sapience.
Racial Skills: Nightsight, Endurance Regen, Fire Breathing, Chameleon
Massive lizardmen who spawned from their human ancestors. They have an affinity for flame, and rival humans as one of the most diverse races in the world.