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A Mask of Wonder, or wondermask, is a special artifact made from 1-20 wondercrystals. Most of the powers granted by a wondermask have to do with influencing.


Crystals Power Effect
1 Pilgrim Face Charity influence buff (2/7).
2 Angel Face Empower influence buff (2/7).
3 Wakabi Face Regain sanity 33% faster than normal (stacks with other buffs to regaining sanity).
4 Crone Face When someone attempts to inflict you with fear, there is a 15% chance you will resist the fear and they will be inflicted with a random mental affliction.
5 Wisened Sage Face Your equilibrium recovery malus will never drop below -1.
6 Dog Face PANTing while wearing this mask will immediately cure hyperventilation (so can start HOLD BREATH again immediately).
7 Cat Face With cat-like reflexes, your balance recovery malus will never go below -1.
8 Stone Face Decrease amount of ego lost from debate attacks directed at you by 10%.
9 Dryad Face Gives the Ecology Empathy skill (ability to influence animals).
10 Rainbow Face Gives the Glamour ability (WEAVE GLAMOUR OF <target> ON <target|ME>, DISPEL ILLUSION <target|ME> GLAMOUR). All of your cast glamours will drop when you switch away from this face.
11 Demon Face Paranoia influence buff (2/7).
12 Harlot Face Seduction influence buff (2/7).
13 Regal Face 10% more esteem gained from influencing.
14 Long Face Weaken influence buff (2/7).
15 Nymph Face While wearing this mask, you will naturally pacify entities that are aggressive toward you (30s cooldown per entity).
16 Barrister Face 10% increase in amount of ego damage your debate attacks do, but comes with have a -2/-10 universal influencing malus.
17 Baby Face Amnesty influencing buff (2/7).
18 Clown Face Gives the Pratfall ability (albeit at a slightly increased balance cost). Syntax: DRAMA PRATFALL AT <target list>.
19 Blank Face Allows you to BLANKFACE a denizen once every six months, bringing them out of an influenced state.
20 Skull Face Gives a version of Stealth Deepcover ability (but not masquerade ability; so organizations will think you are person you deepcover as, but players can see otherwise. Requires an imprint of a corpse or head to use. DEEPCOVER <person>.)