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Kata is the basic form of martial arts, primarily involving kicks and hand strikes. This form of martial arts was first developed and mastered in the Undervault by the kephera and illithoid.
Skill Learned At Description
Punch Inept+0% A basic attack with your hands.
Kick Inept+25% A basic attack with your legs.
Forms Inept+50% Design your own kata attacks.
Hold Inept+75% The most basic grapple.
Throw Novice+25% Hurl someone to the ground.
Choke Novice+50% An asphyxiating grapple.
*CentipedeStance +% The basic defensive stance
Lock Apprentice+0% A grapple targeting body parts.
*CavefisherStance +% A damaging offensive stance.
Snap Apprentice+50% End a lock by injuring the body part.
*SpidionStance +% A quick offensive stance.
*MantaStance +% Basic avoidance stance.
UrchinStance +% Basic regressive Stance.
*EelStance +% A penetrating offensive stance.
Toss Capable+75% Hurl a grappled person away from you.
Raze Adept+0% Attack the defences that would keep your weapons out.
Yoga +% Physical meditation to hone the body and mind.
*MantekarrStance +% Basic bleeding and bruising stance.
Tattoos Adept+50% Your body illustrations can be tapped for armour.
*KrakenStance +% A powerful offensive stance.
Hemorrhaging +% Cause internal damage to interfere with one's ability to clot.
Master Master+0% Move on to a master specialization.
Open Handed Monk (by Kuroi)


KA PUNCH <target> <bodypart> RIGHT|LEFT (For players)

KA PUNCH <target> RIGHT|LEFT (For bashing NPCs.)

Kata: Action

Bodypart: Head, Chest, Gut, Rarm, Larm, Rleg, Lleg
Can Target Denizens

The typical punch is a standard kata action.


As you advance and regress momentum from Kata attacks, you will be notified. To turn this off/on, use KA STANCEMSG ON/OFF.


Configuring this to be on will have you automatically move to the high stance form each time unless otherwise specified. Otherwise you will move into the low stance form each time unless otherwise specified.


KA KICK <target> <bodypart> RIGHT|LEFT (For players)

KA KICK <target> RIGHT|LEFT (For bashing NPCs.)

Kata: Leg Action

Bodypart: Head, Chest, Gut, Rarm, Larm, Rleg, Lleg
Can Target Denizens
Stance: Base

The typical kick is a standard kata action.


KATA STUDY <form name> <stance>

KATA FORGET <form name> <stance>
KATA DEVELOP <form name> <stance> ACTION <action #> <commands>
KATA DEVELOP <form name> <stance> ACTION <action #> NONE
KATA REVIEW <form name>
KATA PERFORM <target> =]<form>+] <arg>] <arg>] ...
KATA TEACH <form name> TO <person>
KATA COPY <form name> TO <new form name>
KATA RENAME <form name> TO <new form name>
KA PUNCH <target> <bodypart> RIGHT|LEFT (For players)
KA PUNCH <target> RIGHT|LEFT (For bashing NPCs)

Bodyparts: Head, Chest, Gut, Rarm, Larm, Rleg, Lleg

As you progress in kata and its specializations, you can develop more and more of your own personal kata forms. To make a new form, begin with KATA STUDY and to forget a form, use KATA FORGET. KATA FORMS will list all of your forms. KATA REVIEW <form> will review a specific form. The actions are the same as any KA attacks, minus the KA and target. For example, KA PUNCH GALT HEAD LEFT would translate to an action as PUNCH HEAD LEFT.

To perform kata maneuvers, you execute KATA PERFORM. You can only execute a single form at a time.

To teach forms to others, you can use KATA TEACH.

Stances There are five types of kata stances: Base --> Twist(High/Low) --> Centred --> Surge(High/Low) --> Killer.

Each kata form advances you through the kata stances naturally. For stances that have high and low forms, you will naturally choose the high stance. To use the low stance, add LOW or L as an argument for your kata form. You can also specify HIGH or H. For example, if you do KATA PERFORM GALT SMITE LOW while you are in the Base stance, when your form is finished you will end up in the TwistLow stance. When you perform a kata in the killer stance, you will end up in the Base stance.

You can also regress in stances by using the URCHIN argument in your form. This will move you back in the stance progression albeit for a balance cost. You can again use LOW or HIGH to specify which of those stances to use.

For example, you can create a form with two stance levels like this: KATA STUDY SMITE BASE KATA STUDY SMITE SURGEHIGH

Then you can fill in the desired attacks using the KATA DEVELOP syntax for BASE stance, and also for SURGEHIGH stance. Now if you perform SMITE against a foe and are moving into the SURGEHIGH stance or higher then you will perform the attack defined for that variation of the form. If lower then it will fall back to the attacks defined for BASE stance.

Lastly, if you wish to have a form that just does one thing for later stances, you can do this. Make a BASE stance but leave it empty. Then proceed to make a stance for the level you desire and fill it in. If you are not at the correct level, the form will simply fail without taking balance because the Base stance will be invalid.

Lastly, as long as you have masochism, you can KA CLEAR to remove your current stance and start over.


KA HOLD <target>


Kata: Grapple
Bodyparts: Whole Body
Stance: Base

A basic grapple. Binds your target with your arm. Unlike most grapples you will learn in the future, this grapple will prevent the target from standing.

Additional Notes:
Grapples require both arms to perform, and last until the victim writhes free or you use your hands again. Their main purpose is to prevent the victim from walking away.


KA THROW <target>
Kata: Grapple Ender

Bodyparts: Head, Chest, Gut, Larm, Rarm, Lleg, Rleg
Stance: Base

If your target is in some grapple, you can throw them to the ground, damaging and possibly stunning them in the process. A prone target will be more susceptible to damage from kata attacks.


KA CHOKE <target> <bodypart>
Kata: Grapple

Bodypart: Head
Stance: Base

An advanced grapple that chokes the target, asphyxiating them. He will periodically take damage until it is released or otherwise removed.


Effect: 1/5 Universal Resistance

Bonus Effect: 2/10 Universal Resistance for 10 seconds.
Stance: Base

This is the Base stance of the Kata forms. It is a basic defensive stance that allows you to reduce any damage received.

If you enter the Centered stance within 8 seconds of hitting base stance, you will be able to gain a greater resistance to damage for a period of time.


KA LOCK <target> <bodypart>
Kata: Grapple Action

Bodypart: Head, Chest, Gut, Rarm, Larm, Rleg, Lleg
Stance: Base

A grapple that locks and disables a specific body part. For bodyparts that aren't directly affected by locking, such as the head, chest, or gut, it opens up advanced techniques you will learn later.


Effect: 3/7 Cutting/Blunt Damage Buff

Bonus Effect: 5/10 Universal Damage Buff for 10 seconds.
Stance: Twist High

This is the Twist High stance of the Kata forms. It is a basic offensive stance that allows you to attack with more power.

If you enter any Surge stance within 8 seconds of hitting twist high stance, you will be able to gain a greater power to damage for a period of time.


KA SNAP <target>
Kata: Grapple Ender

Bodypart: Head, Chest, Gut, Rarm, Larm, Rleg, Lleg
Stance: Base

End a kata grapple by snapping a particular bodypart, causing effects such as blackout and broken limbs.

Head - Blackout Chest - CollapsedLung Gut - Balance Loss Larm - Damagedleftarm Rarm - Damagedrightarm Lleg - Damagedleftleg Rleg - Damagedrightleg Whole - Equilibrium Loss


Effect: 1/3 Balance Bonus

Bonus Effect: 2/5 Balance Bonus for 10 seconds.
Stance: Twist Low

This is the Twist Low stance of the Kata forms. It is a basic agility stance that allows you to act quicker.

If you enter any Surged stance within 8 seconds of hitting twist low stance, you will be able to gain a greater speed for a period of time.


Effect: Avoid next affliction

Stance: Centre

This is the Centred stance of the Kata forms. It is a more advanced defensive stance that allows you to avoid the next affliction you may receive.


KATA PERFORM <target> <form> URCHIN <arg>

KATA PERFORM <target> <form> <arg> URCHIN

Effect: Regress a stance

Stance: Regression

This is the Regression stance of the Kata forms. It allows you to move back to an earlier stance for an increased balance cost.


Kata: Modifier

Ka Weight: 50

By paying close attention to the strength of your punches, you can deliver more direct damage at the expense of wounding (hard), or vice versa (soft). Works on all actions.


Kata: Modifiers

Ka Weight: 100

Balancing carefully on the tips of your feet allows you to recover balance from katas at a greater speed. Works on all actions.


Kata: Modifier

Ka Weight: 50
Bodypart: Head, Rarm, Larm, Rleg, Lleg

Carefully choosing the optimum place to strike, you may improve the chance of shattering extremities. Only works on unarmed actions. This move will cause you to lose some momentum if it causes an injury.

Additional Notes:
This doesn't actually improve the chance to cause shatters, instead it's the only way to cause shatters. It requires medium wounds or better, and when used on the head, breaks the nose.


Kata: Modifier

Ka Weight: 175
Bodypart: Head, Chest, Gut, Rarm, Larm, Rleg, Lleg

As your opponent grows more wounded, your punches and kicks will start to stun. Only works on unarmed actions. Successful stuns will lower your momentum.


Kata: Action

Ka Weight: 75

When grappling with a person, you can toss them out of the room in a random direction. This will, obviously, terminate any katas as the victim will no longer be within range.

Additional Notes:
This only works from kata grapples, not those from its specializations.


Kata: Action

Ka Weight: 50

Using your fist, you can clear away variety of magical defense, such as shield, weapons rebounding aura, and others.

Additional Notes:
Raze strips rebounding, circle, pentagram, reflections, and quicksilver.


Kata: Modifier

Ka Weight: 150
Bodypart: Head

By striking at the lower side of the back of your opponent's skull, you can improve your chances of causing concussion. Only works on unarmed actions.

Additional Notes:
This doesn't actually improve the chance to cause a concussion, instead it's the only way to cause a concussion. It requires medium wounds or better.



For those monks who choose not to wear any armour of any kind (including great robes), any tattoos on their body will be activated and be able to use as a kind of ka armour. The amount of armour depends on the total amount of tattoo weight on the monk's body. Further, any tattoos with the damage absorption power will be double in strength (though, again, only if not wearing armour of any kind).


Kata: Modifier

Ka Weight: 150

With this modifier, any grapple-initiating attack will never miss.


At this point in your training of Kata, you have progressed where you must specialize in an aspect of this skill to continue learning. If you have not yet selected a specialization, see SKILLCHOICE LIST to see what is available. There may be a choice between two or more specializations.