Ackleberry Forest
The Ackleberry Forest was one of the three great forest communes in the Basin of Life. The denizens of Ackleberry, primarily furrikin and tae'dae with a smattering of aslaran, loboshigaru, and igasho, revered Sister Lake and Brother Bear, and could often be found tending to the Elder Honeysap, a Great Tree and Nexus of Power.
Ackleberry was led by its High Elder, Wenella Lakeheart, the High Druid, Gib Gladheart, High Priestess Itara Solwen of the Lake Wood Coven, and Gadri Mossleaf, commander of the commune's military guard.
- The forest is called Ackeleheliorna in pre-mortal times.
- (Source: Book of Elfenehoala and Book of Bollikin)
- Ellindel Treeheart and Glinshari Strongleaf share their methods for contacting the fae of the Ethereal Plane, and Elder Honeysap is raised along with the other Great Trees to speed the healing of nature.
- (Source: The Aftermath (of the Elder Wars))
- During the Taint Wars, orcs from Shallach kidnap many, including Gib Gladheart, and carry them into the Taint. Rowena Nightshade force-feeds tainted material to Gib, transforming him into the Ebonglom Wyrmling. To protect their Great Spirits from the Taint, the circle and coven sealed the Ackleberry off from the rest of reality.
"The Great Spirits told us of a way to hide our forests deep into the fabric of creation, to cast a veil between what is and what is not. It is a dangerous thing to do, to risk non-existence itself. But there was no choice, not with the Taint moving forward. So Ackleberry Forest sundered itself from reality. We cannot know if they survived or not, but the forest, both here and in the ethereal realm, is no more."
- First reported in 161 C.E., a ritual could be performed within the Tolborolla Valley to summon forth the Daughter of the Rivers, a representative of the Great Spirit of Lakes, Rivers, and Falls. She shared a prophecy with those who completed the ritual, revealing that Ackleberry still existed and Elder Honeysap still lived.