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Kalikai, the Crimson Eye
Circle Second
Symbols a crimson eye wreathed in yellow flames
Order Head
Enemies Elostian
Patronage Gaudiguch
Kalikai, the Crimson Eye(by Lorina)

An Elder Goddess of the Second Circle, Kalikai fought in the Elder Wars as a member of the Crimson Eyes Cadre, coordinating the battles and planning the strategic advances. Despite Her success on the battlefield, Her reputation among the Elders was another matter entirely, Her fondness of firemead and becoming intoxicated through any means available as well as Her habit of finding a nickname for everyone was often perceived as irritating and did not grant Her much favour among certain Circles. Returning to the First World in modern times, Kalikai soon aligned Herself with the city of Gaudiguch, having found their easy-going and lively nature to Her liking.

Favouring the rush and thrill of battle above all else, Kalikai looks fondly upon those that fight despite the odds yet know the value of good planning and strategy. She emphasises on individuality and personal freedom, encouraging Her followers to develop their own opinion and values. Most of all however, she appreciates a good sense of humour coupled with a strong and unbending will among Her Following.

History and Facts

Kalikai was known for her great tactical planning during the Elder Wars, and was respected for it. She was known for her irritating habit of nicknaming the other elders, such as "crystal cakes" for Xyl, but she was tolerated for her strategic plannings and advances. She was the leader of her formation, known as the Crimson Cadre, which her order takes after. She was called upon by the other Elders to figure out a battle plan against Fain and the Twelve Traitors. What happened afterwards remains in mystery, but she returned back to the modern day in the year 253 CE, around the time Gaudiguch and Hallifax had returned from being lost in time.

Upon her return, Kalikai was greeted by Eventru and he politely told her of all the events that had happened in her absence. Upon hearing that Elostian had gone off alone to check upon Zenos, and had then gone missing, she rushed off in a fury towards Zenos's imprisonment and freed Elostian from an endless Psionic battle with Zenos. Though Elostian claimed he did not require "rescuing" and her involvement in his workings, she stated he was a fool to think he can try and take on Zenos by himself. Enmity continues on between the two Elder gods.

Kalikai quickly allied herself with Gaudiguch, enjoying their care-free nature and way of life.