
Revision as of 21:58, 12 August 2022 by Hinic (talk | contribs) (Updating some links.)

Descended from the Elder Goddess Keph of the Thousand Eyes, the kephera race present themselves as insectoid humanoids. They were discovered by the Basinfolk at the same time as the illithoid. Before, they were hidden beneath the Basin of Life and their sole purpose was devoted to containing the half of Illith that was severed in two by Keph. When this half of Illith splintered into the race of illithoid, the kephera had no choice but to make themselves known to the rest of the Basin. They are matriarchal in nature, and are the only race whose females and males have remarkably different statistics. Another unique attribute of a kephera is their strong exoskeleton, which acts as a natural armour.

Languages: Common.


Level 1 1/4 resistance to cutting and blunt damage.

Royal Kephera: If Zenobia has been empowered, female Kephera may form their own hive as Hive Queen. All other Kephera, male and female, may join this hive. Hives have their own dedicated channel, and all members of a hive gain increased experience, karma and esteem. Hive bonuses affect Kephera regardless of location or proximity to other hive members. Hives persist through logout and will only be dissolved should the Hive Queen choose to do so, or Zenobia is slain.

Level 25 2/4 resistance to psychic damage.
Level 50 1/3 regeneration to health and ego while underground.

Kephera with the Shofangi, Tahtetso or Tessenchi specialisations can use their class weapons more effectively than any other race regarding damage.

Demigod Trait: Chitinous hide. Grants the Kephera an armour equivalent. (see table below) This bonus is lost should the Kephera wear any other armour.
Demigod+ Improved Trait: The Kephera channels a psychic barrier through their hide, offering further protection against certain attacks.
Male Kephera reduce all damage taken from asphyxiating, blunt, cold, cutting, fiery, and poisonous effects by 1/3rd, instead taking it as ego damage.
Female Kephera reduce all damage taken from asphyxiation, cold, divinus, electrical, excorable, fiery, magical, poisonous, and psychic source by 1/4, instead taking it as ego damage.
Chitinous hide
User armor %
Acrobatics 16%
Acrobatic Tailors 18%
Non-acrobatics 20%
Tattoos 22%

Hive Syntaxes

  • HIVE BOND <person>
  • HIVE UNBOND <person>
  • HT <chat>

Notable Denizens

Hive Queens of the Undervault

  • Mumhatuti
  • Rashepera
  • Sethetmun
  • Tutotophet
  • Khementen
  • Imhohet
  • Akhari
  • Neferti
  • Zenobia

Hive Kings of the Undervault

  • Rashepotep
  • Sethototep
  • Tutmosotep
  • Khemenotep
  • Mummosotep
  • Nefomotep
  • Imhatatep
  • Akhomotep