Ur'Guard Operations Record

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The ur'Guard Operations Record is text found in the Ruins of Shallach.

Unlike most articles of on the wiki, this is a primary source document, included by the chronicler because it helps place events in timelines elsewhere in the wiki.


a crumbling, stained book

The cover of this crumbling book is barely attached to the ancient
parchments within, crafted from a hardened black material that appears
petrified from the stress of countless ages. Within, the parchments are
stained and streaked with discolouration, many torn or frayed to the
point of ruin. The whole book is ready to crumble into dust at any
It is entitled "Ur'Guard Operations Record" and the author is listed as being Various
Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command. It is written in the common tongue
It weighs about 5 pounds.
It has the following aliases: book.

Page 1

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 1)
23rd of Bumble, Year 45 of the Imperial Empire

Received a missive from Empress Elyenash that the City of Gaudiguch is
rumoured to have ascended a nexus, which makes it imperative they are
brought into the Empire. The Empire is relatively small now, notably
just Djarrakh, Shallach and Balach, but it is my opinion that our
military is more than enough to force Gaudiguch into the Empire. Even
though Gaudiguch is older than even Celest, I believe their military
strength relies on soldiers who are too undisciplined to match the
ur'Guard. Recommend opening the catacombs to begin military maneuvers
around Gaudiguch in a display of strength.
--General Bashurk

Page 2

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 2)
21st of Volc, Year 46 of the Imperial Empire
Gaudiguch is proving reluctant to join the Empire. Empress Elyenash
wishes to avoid war and has directed the mugwumps in Balach to develop a
way to pacify Gaudiguch. She promises that upon success, she will devote
imperial resources to raise a research institute in Balach if
successful. We will continue the military maneuvers but not engage.
--General Bashurk

Page 3

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 3)
19th of Twins, Year 47 of the Imperial Empire
Finally received the new weapon from the mugwump science corps. It
apparently is to pacify Gaudiguch, using weapons that the mugwumps call
"cloudspouts". The storage tanks to contain the fuel for the cloudspouts
are being built deep within the Shallach weapons depot. They claim the
storage tank will refill itself in perpetuity. We are spending time with
the scientists to learn how to work the cloudspouts. We prepare for the
covert assault, called Operation Peacemaker.
--General Bashurk

Page 4

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 4)
1st of Bones, Year 48 of the Imperial Empire
Operation Peacemaker is a success. The cloudspouts have enveloped
Gaudiguch with the pleasure clouds (as Gaudiguchians call it). We find
we have to return to Shallach to refuel frequently, but the catacombs
facilitate movement nicely. The Freedom Council of Gaudiguch seems to
welcome the imperial ambassadors (who have been immunized by the mugwump
science corps
) and we expect the pacified city to join the Empire expediently. --General Bashurk

Pages 5-16 (illegible)

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 5)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 6)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 7)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 8)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 9)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 10)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 11)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 12)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 13)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 14)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 15)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 16)
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Page 17

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 17)
23rd of Bones, Year 60 of the Imperial Empire

The village of Hallifax has ascended a nexus of power and must be
brought into the Empire. Empress Elynash II has ordered the reactivation
of the cloudspouts. Several soldiers have succumbed to an ailment as the
cloudspout fuel tank has begun to 'sweat'. Have contacted the Balach
to reinforce the containment of the tank. Will follow procedures developed by my predecessor, General Bashurk. -General Haadashai

Page 18

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 18)
13th of Draco, Year 61 of the Imperial Empire

Operation Peacemaker II is a failure. The village of Hallifax has raised
their nexus of power (called the Matrix) on a floating platform. Their
aeromantic powers have been able to disperse the pleasure clouds, making
pacification impossible. Empress Elynash II is turning to diplomatic

-General Haadashai

Page 19

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 19)
13th of Draco, Year 61 of the Imperial Empire

Empress Elynash II has negotiated the Charter of the Kxark Accord.
ur'Guard troops are to stand down. We are deactivating the cloudspouts.

-General Haadashai

Pages 20-30 (illegible)

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 20)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 21)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 22)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 23)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 24)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 25)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 26)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 27)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 28)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 29)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 30)
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Page 31

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 31)
21st of Draco, Year 108 of the Imperial Empire

Emperor Agatane has ordered the utilization of the cloudspout weapons to
help quell the aslaran-krokani feud in the Greymoors. Preparing a squad
in their use, utilizing the protocols established by General Bashurk.

-General Kraankea

Page 32

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 32)
15th of Lion, Year 108 of the Imperial Empire

The winds have not been favorable for utilizing the cloudspouts and
pleasure clouds have entered the Gloriana Forest, which has resulted in
a diplomatic quagmire with the commune there. Though we are denying
culpability, Emperor Agatane is not pleased and I will tender my
resignation tomorrow. Despite the hostility with Gloriana, it appears
the clouds had a limited success with the krokani and aslaran as peace
negotiations are proceeding apace at Castle Djarrakh.

-General Kraankea

Page 33-43 (illegible)

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 33)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 34)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 35)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 36)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 37)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 38)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 39)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 40)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 41)
[This page has been blotted out, leaving little trace of what was written here.]
"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 42)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 43)
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Page 44

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 44)
2nd of Nifil, Year 210 of the Imperial Empire

Because of the conflict rising between Gaudiguch and Serenwilde, Emperor
Ladantine IV
has asked us to research the pleasure clouds, which have not been used in over 150 years. Am not sure how to translate the months of the old calendar (note to ask for counsel of an imperial historian). The fuel tank referenced is housed in an abandoned section of the armoury. Will investigate. -General Kruush

Page 45

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 45)
5th of Shakinel, Year 210 of the Imperial Empire

General Kruush seems to have succumbed to an ailment when leading the
team to open the cloudspout fuel tank. He seems to be in a delusional
daze and refuses to take arms. Sending him to the [[Balach Institute of Magic and Science|Balach Institute of
Magic and Science for care. Emperor Ladantine IV has decided to abandon the cloudspouts for the time being. -General Girag

Page 46-49 (illegible)

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 46)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 47)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 48)
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"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 49)
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Page 50

"Ur'Guard Operations Record", By Various Generals of the Shallach ur'Guard Command (Page 50)
19th of Raziary, Year 262 of the Imperial Empire

This is the tenth year of the Blood Wars. The cloudspout fell into enemy
hands and was used against the ur'Guard in the disastrous [[Battle of the Greymoors|Battle of the
Greymoors. Empress Sinenth has ordered all weaponry destroyed and the fuel tanks sealed. -General Bashor