Chancel of Clangoran Mysteries

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Chancel of Clangoran Mysteries
Plane Prime Material Plane

Buried deep beneath the Southern Mountains and hidden behind the Holy Shrine of Klangratch, the Keepers of the Chancel of Clangoran Mysteries guarded its sacred location for generations, protecting it from those who would use the Vernal Artifact for ill. Rumoured to also be an ancient prison, the Chancel is home to many mysteries just waiting to be discovered.


  • a dwarf cleric
    • Might: appears to be extraordinarily strong.
    • Personality: Brave.
    • Loyal to Chancel of Clangoran Mysteries
  • a dwarf sentinel
    • Might: appears to be crushingly strong.
    • Personality: Brave.
    • Loyal to Chancel of Clangoran Mysteries

Thorgan Urrak

  • Might: looks to be crushingly strong.
  • Personality: Friendly.
  • Loyal to Chancel of Clangoran Mysteries
  • dwarf and Keeper of the Forge.
  • Begins the quest CHANCEL_THORGAN_SUMMON.
    • Needs someone to obtain a bowl of cool water, a censer containing sacred ashes of dwarven ancestors, bellows and soil to bless the fires. (possibly to channel all 4 elements)

Ethildora Varrim

  • Begins the quest CHANCEL_ETHILDORA_SUMMON.

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