Difference between revisions of "Talk:Defenses"

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264 bytes added ,  04:24, 8 October 2021
(Created page with 'Noticing that anchors are case sensitive, and there is a lack of consistency regarding capitalization for compounded words. For example: Tripleflash and AeonField. This causes un…')
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Noticing that anchors are case sensitive, and there is a lack of consistency regarding capitalization for compounded words. For example: Tripleflash and AeonField. This causes unanticipated link breaks.
Noticing that anchors are case sensitive, and there is a lack of consistency regarding capitalization for compounded words. For example: Tripleflash and AeonField. This causes unanticipated link breaks.
== Why do we not want a Table of Contents? ==
The automatic wiki table of contents is disabled on this page and the reasoning for this is very unclear. If this list became exhaustive it will be quite long and troublesome to navigate without a table of contents.


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