Difference between revisions of "Warped Aura"

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410 bytes added ,  01:18, 17 October 2021
Added a table showing the output of FORMULAS AURAWARP
(Created page with "When your aura is warped, you diagnose more slowly and using cures without afflictions takes more time. '''Cured By:''' Soothing steam blend.<br /> '''Afflicted Line:''' Your...")
(Added a table showing the output of FORMULAS AURAWARP)
Line 7: Line 7:
'''Partial Cured Line:''' The aura stabilizes somewhat, but it still remains <level>.
'''Partial Cured Line:''' The aura stabilizes somewhat, but it still remains <level>.

<hr> Below is the result of <code>FORMULAS AURAWARP</code> as of 16-Oct-2021
{| class="wikitable"
! Action
! Type
! Amount
|+Aurapwarp (max 100)
|Soothing Steam
|3-6, 3 and 6 less likely
|1-10, 10 - (empathy/11)
|1-10, 10 - (empathy/11)
|1-10, 10 - (empathy/11)
|5-13, 13 - (empathy/11)
|4-15, 15 - (empathy/9)



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