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{{SkillTableRow|SpiderLegs|Gifted|25|Navigate webs with the ease of a spider.}}
{{SkillTableRow|SpiderLegs|Gifted|25|Navigate webs with the ease of a spider.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Refrain|Gifted|50|A musical structure that allows repetition of a stanza.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Refrain|Gifted|50|A musical structure that allows repetition of a stanza.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Reprise|Gifted|50|A musical structure that allows reversal of a stanza.}}
{{SkillTableRow|ShadowChord|Gifted|75|Music to direct shadows against your enemies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|ShadowChord|Gifted|75|Music to direct shadows against your enemies.}}
{{SkillTableRow|BarghestBlues|Expert|0|Hearing barghest howls disrupts herb balance.}}
{{SkillTableRow|BarghestBlues|Expert|0|Hearing barghest howls disrupts herb balance.}}
{{SkillTableRow|ShadowRave|Expert|33|No one can resist dancing to the beat of your music!}}
{{SkillTableRow|Shadowpulse|Expert|66|The song of shadow increased the flow of blood.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Shadowpulse|Expert|66|The song of shadow increased the flow of blood.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CaptiveAudience|Virtuoso|0|Both friends and enemies hear nothing but your songs.}}
{{SkillTableRow|CaptiveAudience|Virtuoso|0|Both friends and enemies hear nothing but your songs.}}
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[[Image:Shadowbeat.jpg|thumb|Wyrden Muse (by Tysiphid)]]
[[Image:Shadowbeat.jpg|thumb|Wyrden Muse (by Tysiphid)]]

|skillname = Composition
|syntax = COMPOSE NEW <song><br>
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> LYRIC <text><br>
COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> IMBUE [<power><nowiki>|</nowiki>NONE]<br>
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>COMPOSE NEW <song></tt><br/>
COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> DELETE<br>
<tt>COMPOSE LIST</tt><br/>
<tt>COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> LYRIC <text></tt><br/>
COMPOSE <song> [INFO]<br>
<tt>COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> IMBUE [<power>|NONE]</tt><br/>
PERFORM SONG <song> [<target>] [<effect>]<br>
<tt>COMPOSE <song> STANZA <number> DELETE</tt><br/>
<tt>COMPOSE <song> DELETE</tt><br/>
|description = As your ability in your song specialization increases, you will be able to compose new songs. You can write your own song and set it in stanzas. Each song can consist of up to 9 stanzas, and certain powers can also be invested in each stanza. Powers are divided into 3 types: Low (L), Medium (M) and High (H). Low types can only invested in stanzas 1-3, medium in stanzas 4-6 and high in stanzas 7-9. Low stanzas generally have simple effects, medium stanzas have stronger effects, and high stanzas have very strong effects. Some song powers need to be targeted and others will create a passive effect that stays around you. As a general rule, you will not be able to stack passive effects. <br><br>
<tt>COMPOSE <song> [INFO]</tt><br/>
<tt>PERFORM SONG <song> [<target>]</tt><br/>
As your ability in your song specialization increases, you will be able to compose new songs. You can write your own song and sets it in stanzas. Each song can consist of up to 9 stanzas, and certain powers can also be invested in each stanza. Powers are divided into 3 types Low (L), Medium (M) and High (H). Low types can only invested in stanzas 1-3, medium in stanzas 4-6 and High in stanzas 7-9. Low stanzas generally have simple effects, medium stanzas have stronger effects, and high stanzas have very strong effects. Some song powers need to be targetted and others will create a passive effect that stays around you. As a general rule, you will not be able to stack passive effects.
When playing a custom song, it always begins in stanza 1, each time you play the song, it progresses to the next stanza until the song ends or you change to another song or a certain amount of time elapses, whichever comes first. Note that before the time elapses, you can take other actions so long as you continue your performance before the time elapses.
When playing a custom song, it always begins in stanza 1, each time you play the song, it progresses to the next stanza until the song ends or you change to another song or a certain amount of time elapses, whichever comes first. Note that before the time elapses, you can take other actions so long as you continue your performance before the time elapses.

|notes = [OUTDATED NOTE] Whenever you play a song, all the effects of the song (excluding targetted ones) up to whatever you've played are active as long as the song is playing, and each one will tick every ten seconds.  You can't control when each effect ticks relative to the others.  Thus, performing a song is more like raising defenses in advance than it is like attacking.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Whenever you play a song, all the effects of the song (excluding targetted ones) up to whatever you've played are active as long as the song is playing, and each one will tick every ten seconds.  You can't control when each effect ticks relative to the others.  Thus, performing a song is more like raising defenses in advance than it is like attacking.

How long a song lasts from the last time it was played depends on your skill in [[Music]] and its specialization, and in [[Dramatics]], plus on your intelligence and charisma, and can be extended with a Tempo enchantment.
How long a song lasts from the last time it was played depends on your skill in [[Music]] and its specialization, and in [[Dramatics]], <del>plus on your intelligence and charisma</del>, and can be extended with a Tempo enchantment.

Most song effects will impact only allies or enemies, and then, only those who are not deaf and not captivated by another bard.  Even you, yourself, won't be affected by your own song if you're deaf.
Most song effects will impact only allies or enemies, and then, only those who are not deaf and not captivated by another bard.  Even you, yourself, won't be affected by your own song if you're deaf.
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Note that you can change the imbued power in a stanza in a song already in progress, and the change will take effect immediately.  This does not consume equilibrium or balance.
Note that you can change the imbued power in a stanza in a song already in progress, and the change will take effect immediately.  This does not consume equilibrium or balance.

|skillname = Sustain
|syntax = SUSTAIN
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|description = This ability will allow you to slow the music you are playing to imperceptible levels, effectively freezing the music in place.
|notes = The purpose of sustaining your song is to freeze it so it's inactive (none of the effects will impact anyone) but is no longer ticking down to its time running out. You can then reactivate it before you need it by playing a single stanza (or refraining, if you have the [[#Refrain|Refrain]] skill), which reactivates all the effects in all played stanzas instantly.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>SUSTAIN</tt>
This ability will allow you to slow the music you are playing to imperceptible levels, effectively freezing the music in place.

|skillname = VenomDrops
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
|cost = Stanza: Low (1-3)<br>
Targetable: No
| style="background:lightgreen"|The purpose of sustaining your song is to freeze it so it's inactive (none of the effects will impact anyone) but is no longer ticking down to its time running out.  You can then reactivate it before you need it by playing a single stanza (or refraining, if you have the [[#Refrain|Refrain]] skill), which reactivates all the effects in all played stanzas instantly.
|description = Those of your enemies who hear the sound of this music will find their resistance to [[poisons]] dramatically decreased and thus are more susceptible to being poisoned. Also, your allies who hear this song will find themselves better able to resist being poisoned.

|skillname = ShadowLight
|cost = Stanza: Low (1-3)<br>
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:     Low (1-3)<br/>
Targetable: No
Targetable: No
|description = When your allies hear the sound of this music, they will become shrouded. Shrouded enemies that hear this music will become exposed. The shadows will also grant you 1/8 resistance to physical cutting and blunt damage.
Those of your enemies who hear the sound of this music will find their resistance to poisons dramatically decreased and thus are more susceptible to being poisoned. Also, your allies who hear this song will find themselves better able to resist being poisoned.
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:    Low (1-3)<br/>
Targetable: No<br/>Damage Modifier: 10
When your allies hear the sound of this music, they will become shrouded. Shrouded enemies that hear this music will become exposed. The shadows will also grant you 10 resistance DMP to physical cutting and blunt damage.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>PLAY DISCORDANTCHORD <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Power: Variable (Any)<br/>
Damage Type: 100% Magic<br/>
Damage Source: Magical
The discordant chord is tuned to especially harm those ears which are already suffering the tonal ailments of a musician, doing greater damage the greater the number of these afflictions the victim has. The power cost is 2 power for each affliction the victim has from among: manabarbs, powerspikes, egovice, and an achromatic aura. If the hapless victim suffers all four of these tonal disorders, their suffering shall be grievous indeed - losing half their mana and ego in addition to immense pain.

If you have an octave active in the room, its magical ability to block the curing of auric ailments will prevent then from being consumed by the discordant chord. Additionally, it will increase the damage of your chord for no extra power cost.
|skillname =
|syntax = PLAY DISCORDANTCHORD <target>
|cost = Power: Variable (Any)<br>
Damage Type: 100% Magic
|description = The discordant chord is tuned to especially harm those ears which are already suffering the tonal ailments of a musician, doing greater damage the greater the number of these afflictions the victim has. The power cost is 2 power for each affliction the victim has from among: [[manabarbs]], [[egovice]], and an [[achromaticaura|achromatic aura]]. If the hapless victim suffers all three of these tonal disorders, and [[powerspikes]], their suffering shall be grievous indeed - losing half their mana and ego in addition to immense pain.<br><br>
If you have an [[Music#Octave|octave]] active in the room, its magical ability to block the curing of auric ailments will prevent them from being consumed by the discordant chord. Additionally, it will increase the damage of your chord for no extra power cost.

|skillname = NightFade
|cost = Stanza: Low (1-3)<br>
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:     Low (1-3)<br/>
Targetable: No
Targetable: No
|description = Those who hear the vibrations of this music will find their ego dwindling, like the light during dusk. If it is actually night time, more ego will be drained.
Those who hear the vibrations of this music will find their ego dwindling, like the light during dusk. If it is actually night time, more ego will be drained.

|skillname = SpiderLegs
|style="background:pink"|Stanza:     Low (1-3)<br/>
|cost = Stanza: Low (1-3)<br>
Targetable: No
Targetable: No
|description = When you and your allies hear the sound of the Spider Legs, you can free yourself from webbing and other [[entangled|entanglements]] with greater ease.
When you and your allies hear the sound of the Spider Legs, you can free yourself from webbing and other entanglements with greater ease.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>PERFORM REFRAIN <song> [<target>]</tt>
Instead of moving forward in the stanzas of a song, you can repeat the last stanza you performed as a refrain. You can refrain as many times as you desire.

|skillname = Refrain
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
|syntax = PERFORM REFRAIN <song> [<target>]
|description = Instead of moving forward in the stanzas of a song, you can repeat the last stanza you performed as a refrain. You can refrain as many times as you desire.
| style="background:lightgreen"|Refraining allows you to keep a song going without running out of stanzas to play, and also can be used to repeatedly use a targetted power.
|notes = Refraining allows you to keep a song going without running out of stanzas to play, and also can be used to repeatedly use a targeted power.



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