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194 bytes added ,  00:43, 26 October 2021
Added a part to mention the current inaccessibility
(Added a part to mention the current inaccessibility)
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The Toronada River heads from the icy foothills of Avechna's Peak southwards in almost a straight line to meet the Inner Sea. Its course is turbulent at first as it descends the great heights, before flattening into the wide river delta north of the ocean.
The Toronada River heads from the icy foothills of [[Avechna's Peak]] southwards in almost a straight line to meet the [[Inner Sea]]. Its course is turbulent at first as it descends the great heights, before flattening into the wide river delta north of the ocean.

The Toronada Tidal Flats are located adjacent to the northern-most section of the Inner Sea. Here, you can assist Myrtle, a young turtle.
The Toronada Tidal Flats are located adjacent to the northern-most section of the Inner Sea. Here, you can assist Myrtle, a young turtle.
The Toronada Tidal Flats became inaccessible due to flooding following the events concerning [[Li-Varili]] and the [[Great Sea Spirit]] in 594-596 CE. See Event posts 468 and 471.


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