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Situated north of the [[Balach Swamp|Balach Swamp]], Acknor is one of the more recent villages to rise to prominence, settled by the more intelligent [[Orclach|orcs]] who managed to rise above the savagery they inherited by the Taint. Though carnivorous themselves, they have developed a lucrative market in the farming industry, through enslaving [[Furrikin|furrikin]] farmers and selling agricultural products to nearby [[Magnagora|Magnagora]]. Despite the civilized nature of these orcs, they are still a barbaric people, who believe that might makes right. Subsequently, the Chieftain of Acknor often changes through trial by combat. It is not uncommon for the challenger to reward any who help claim this prestigious position.
Situated north of the [[Balach Swamp|Balach Swamp]], Acknor is one of the more recent villages to rise to prominence, settled by the more intelligent [[Orclach|orcs]] who managed to rise above the savagery they inherited by the Taint. Though carnivorous themselves, they have developed a lucrative market in the farming industry, through enslaving [[Furrikin|furrikin]] farmers and selling agricultural products to nearby [[Magnagora|Magnagora]]. Despite the civilized nature of these orcs, they are still a barbaric people, who believe that might makes right. Subsequently, the Chieftain of Acknor often changes through trial by combat. It is not uncommon for the challenger to reward any who help claim this prestigious position.



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