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5 bytes added ,  00:36, 3 November 2021
Fain's Coterie made their elixir from Erlechtoch, the Twelve Traitors used Nemach's help.
(Fain's Coterie made their elixir from Erlechtoch, the Twelve Traitors used Nemach's help.)
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[[Nemach]] is one of the [[:Category:Soulless Gods|Soulless]]. Considered less powerful than the others of its kind, Nemach worked in secret as an ally to [[Fain's Coterie]] and provided them with access to the excoroperditio force that the Soulless harnessed in exchange for their own Divine essence and protection from being devoured by [[Kethuru]]. When the Coterie was discovered and the traitors were taken prisoner, Nemach was sentenced to [[the Void]], but returned in 401 CE prior to that year's Ascension. Mortals banded together to imprison Nemach in the [[Pandimensional Transformix]] created by [[Yomoigu]].
[[Nemach]] is one of the [[:Category:Soulless Gods|Soulless]]. Considered less powerful than the others of its kind, Nemach worked in secret as an ally to the [[Twelve Traitors]] and provided them with access to the excoroperditio force that the Soulless harnessed in exchange for their own Divine essence and protection from being devoured by [[Kethuru]]. When the Coterie was discovered and the traitors were taken prisoner, Nemach was sentenced to [[the Void]], but returned in 401 CE prior to that year's Ascension. Mortals banded together to imprison Nemach in the [[Pandimensional Transformix]] created by [[Yomoigu]].
[[Category:Divine]][[Category:Soulless Gods]]
[[Category:Divine]][[Category:Soulless Gods]]


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