Difference between revisions of "Affliction"

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37 bytes removed ,  06:47, 24 November 2021
Changed the table width to a percentages instead of static pixels. Added some info at the top. Shortened some links
m (Changed from a fixed pixel width to a percentage)
(Changed the table width to a percentages instead of static pixels. Added some info at the top. Shortened some links)
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Afflictions are a complex interlocking system of (mostly) detrimental effects inflicted by adventurer combat abilities and more powerful denizens. They are grouped according to how they are cured.
<div style="float:right">__TOC__</div>
<div style="float:right">__TOC__</div>
===Mental Afflictions (Drink Lucidity Slush)===
===Mental Afflictions (Drink Lucidity Slush)===
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===Spiritual Afflictions (Smoke Soothing Steam)===
===Spiritual Afflictions (Smoke Soothing Steam)===
|[[cloudcoils]]||[[egovice]]||[[luminosity]]||[[powerspikes]]||[[Warped Aura|warpedaura]]

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===Physical Afflictions (Apply, Restorative Ice)===
===Physical Afflictions (Apply, Restorative Ice)===
|[[ablaze]]||[[Damaged Arm|damagedleftarm]]||[[Damaged Leg|damagedrightleg]]||[[Mutilated Arm|mutilatedleftarm]]
|[[burns]]||[[Damaged Leg|damagedleftleg]]||[[Damaged Skull|damagedskull]]||[[Mutilated Leg|mutilatedleftleg]]
|[[Collapsed Lung|collapsedlung]]||[[Damaged Organs|damagedorgans]]||[[Damaged Throat|damagedthroat]]||[[Mutilated Arm|mutilatedrightarm]]
|[[Crushed Chest|crushedchest]]||[[Damaged Arm|damagedrightarm]]||[[Internal Bleeding|internalbleeding]]||[[Mutilated Leg|mutilatedrightleg]]

===Restrictive Afflictions (Writhe)===
===Restrictive Afflictions (Writhe)===
|[[Clamped Arm|clampedleftarm]]||[[entangled]]||[[hoisted]]
|[[Clamped Arm|clampedrightarm]]||[[gored]]||[[impaled]]
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===Timed Afflictions (automatically expire)===
===Timed Afflictions (automatically expire)===
{| style="width:100%"
|[[amorous]]||[[Mark of Corruption|corruptionmark]]||[[ectoplasm]]||[[paradox]]
|[[amorous]]||[[Mark of Corruption|corruptionmark]]||[[ectoplasm]]||[[paradox]]


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