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{{SkillTableRow|Tempo|Gifted|0|Manipulate time to lengthen your performance.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Tempo|Gifted|0|Manipulate time to lengthen your performance.}}
{{SkillTableRow|GoldenHorn|Gifted|33|Raise your spirits with a cheerful trumpeting.}}
{{SkillTableRow|GoldenHorn|Gifted|33|Raise your spirits with a cheerful trumpeting.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Disjunction|Gifted|66|Disrupt the notes of a music box with your mighty horn!}}
{{SkillTableRow|Revelations|Expert|0|Peer into the workings of a mage or druid's demesne.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Revelations|Expert|0|Peer into the workings of a mage or druid's demesne.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Largo|Expert|25|Magic etchings strengthen your music.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Largo|Expert|25|Magic etchings strengthen your music.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MusicBoxes|Expert|50|Lend power to the notes of the music box.}}
{{SkillTableRow|MusicBoxes|Expert|50|Lend power to the notes of the music box.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Regulator|Expert|75|Construct a mechanism to recharge your enchantments.}}
{{SkillTableRow|Regulator|Expert|50|Construct a mechanism to recharge your enchantments.}}
{{SkillTableRow|EmeraldBox|Virtuoso|0|Disrupt bodily regeneration with this sickly melody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|EmeraldBox|Virtuoso|0|Disrupt bodily regeneration with this sickly melody.}}
{{SkillTableRow|AvariceHorn|Virtuoso|25|Instill in yourself a need for gold.}}
{{SkillTableRow|AvariceHorn|Virtuoso|25|Instill in yourself a need for gold.}}
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[[Image:Tinkering.jpg|thumb|Megalithian Glow  (by Feyrll)]]
[[Image:Tinkering.jpg|thumb|Megalithian Glow  (by Feyrll)]]

|skillname = Horns
|description = You can now charge horns, which can hold 30 charges.<br>See <tt>[[Enchantment#Rings|AB ENCHANTMENT RINGS]]</tt>.

You can now charge horns, which can hold 30 charges.<br/>
See <tt>[[Enchantment#Rings|AB ENCHANTMENT RINGS]]</tt>.
|skillname = PiperHorn
|syntax = BLOW <horn> (once enchanted)
|description = You can only enchant this spell on horns. It will cause more vermin to come to the room it is blown in for a short time.
|notes = Similar to [[Music#PerfectFourth|PerfectFourth]]. Also: Not all "horns" are horns and may be flutes. BLOW HORN is still the required syntax.

|skillname = Timepieces
|description = You can now charge timepieces, which can hold 40 charges.<br>See <tt>[[Enchantment#Rings|AB ENCHANTMENT RINGS]]</tt>.

|skillname = Tempo
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = WIND <timepiece> (once enchanted)
|description = [[Bard]]s will find their musical aptitude improve with this spell, which increases the duration of a song.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>BLOW <horn></tt> (once enchanted)
|notes = This increases the duration of a song. May only be enchanted on timepieces.
You can only enchant this spell on horns. It will cause more vermin to come to the room it is blown in for a short time.

You can now charge timepieces, which can hold 40 charges.<br/>
See <tt>[[Enchantment#Rings|AB ENCHANTMENT RINGS]]</tt>.
|skillname = GoldenHorn
|syntax = BLOW <horn> (once enchanted)
|description = Blow the mighty golden horn to raise your spirits high! This will help restore some of your lost ego.
|notes = Cures ego, only on oneself.

|skillname = Disjunction
|syntax = BLOW <horn> AT <target> (once enchanted)
|description = Blow the horn of disjunction to interrupt music boxes.

|skillname = Revelations
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = WIND <timepiece> (once enchanted)
|description = Sense the presence of any demesnes in the area, and who owns them.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WIND <timepiece></tt> (once enchanted)
Bards will find their musical aptitude improve with this spell.

|skillname = Largo
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
|syntax = ETCH LARGO ON <instrument>
|cost = Commodities: 10 [[Brewmeister#MagicInk|Magic Ink]]
| style="background:lightgreen"|This increases the duration of a song.
|description = Using magic ink, you can make a musical etching on an instrument which will make [[Music#Roulade|roulade]] and [[Music#MajorThird|major third]] more effective.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>BLOW <horn></tt> (once enchanted)
Blow the mighty golden horn to raise your spirits high!

|skillname = MusicBoxes
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
|description = You can now charge music boxes, which can hold 50 charges.<br>See <tt>[[Enchantment#Rings|AB ENCHANTMENT RINGS]]</tt>.
| style="background:lightgreen"|Cures ego, only on oneself.

|skillname = Regulator
|syntax = TINKER REGULATOR<br>
ATTACH <regulator> TO <enchanted item>
|cost = Outlay: 4 steel 2 gold 2 platinum
|description = While in the arcane ritual chamber of enchanters, you may tinker together a clockwork regulator to attach to enchanted items. When that item discharges its enchantment, the regulator will automatically whirr into activity and try to recharge the item from an [[#Cubes|energy cube]] in your hands.

|skillname = EmeraldBox
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = CRANK <box> (once enchanted)
|description = Lessen the health regeneration of enemies in the same room that you play the emeraldbox in.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>BLOW <horn> AT <target></tt> (once enchanted)
Blow the horn of disjunction to interrupt music boxes.

|skillname = AvariceHorn
|syntax = BLOW <horn> (once enchanted)
|description = Blowing this horn will instill in you a mighty, irresitable desire to hoard gold. You will automatically retrieve the gold dropped by any creatures you slay.

|skillname = RepairMiniatures
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|cost = Outlay: 1 comm.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WIND <timepiece></tt> (once enchanted)
|description = With love and careful attention to detail, you can fix some of the minute cracks that appear in a figurine after it has been involve din a battle, extending its lifespan. This ability will become less effective each time, until the figurine is beyond repair.
Sense what effects are melded into the demesne in which you stand.

|skillname = Miniaturise
|syntax = MINIATURISE <figurine>
|description = By carefully enchanting a spell of shrinking on a figurine, you can condense its power and enhance both the value of any stored esteem and the rate at which it will level up in miniature battles.

|skillname = AzureBox
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = crank <box> (once enchanted)
|description = Lessen the mana regeneration of enemies in the same room that you play the azurebox in.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>ETCH LARGO ON <instrument></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Commodities: 10 Magic Ink
Using magic ink, you can make a musical etching on an instrument which will make roulade and major third more effective.

|skillname = Vivace
|syntax = ETCH VIVACE ON <instrument>
|cost = Commodities: 10 [[Brewmeister#MagicInk|Magic Ink]]
|description = Using magic ink, you can make a musical etching on an instrument which will make [[Music#MajorSecond|major second]], [[Music#Tritone|tritone]], and [[Music#MajorSeventh|major seventh]] take less equilibrium to cast.

You can now charge music boxes, which can hold 50 charges.<br/>
See <tt>[[Enchantment#Rings|AB ENCHANTMENT RINGS]]</tt>.
|skillname = PipeTank
|cost = Outlay: steel 4 gold 2 platinum 2
|description = You can now construct an arcane pipetank, which can be attached to pipes. The mechanical chamber will pack another herb of the same type into the pipe when the last puff is smoked.

|skillname = BlastHorn
|syntax = BLOW <horn> AT <direction> (once enchanted>
|description = Blow the blast horn to knock down walls around you.
|notes = Similar to [[Elementalism#Doorblast|Doorblast]].

|skillname = GoldenBox
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = CRANK <box> (once enchanted)
|description = Lessen the ego regeneration of enemies in the same room that you play the goldenbox in.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>TINKER REGULATOR</tt>
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>ATTACH <regulator> TO <enchanted item></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Outlay: 4 steel 2 gold 2 platinum
While in the arcane ritual chamber of enchanters, you may tinker together a clockwork regulator to attach to enchanted items. When that item discharges its enchantment, the regulator will automatically whirr into activity and try to recharge the item from an energy cube in your hands.

|skillname = TrueTime
|syntax = WIND <timepiece> (once enchanted)
|description = For a short time, make yourself less affected by time-altering magic.
|notes = Slightly reduces the delay of [[aeon]].

|skillname = Cubes
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = ENCHANT CUBE
|description = You now have the ability to channel raw power into energy cubes, which can then be used to recharge any magical item or scroll. Also see HELP CUBES.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>CRANK <box></tt> (once enchanted)
|notes = Each tick will drain 5% from your [[Jewelry#Powerstone|powerstone]]s or reserves and add 5 charges to the cube.
*This skill charges cubes, but the [[Jewelry#EnergyCube|cubes]] themselves are made by jewelers.
Lessen the health regeneration of enemies in the same room.

|skillname = RoseGlasses
|cost = Commodities: 2 [[Jewelry#Powerstone|powerstone]]s (full), 20 gold bars
|description = Once worn, the rose glasses will color the maker's world in such a way that consuming ego will be reduced.

| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>BLOW <horn>></tt> (once enchanted)
Blowing this horn will instill in you a mighty, irresitable desire to hoard gold. You will automatically retrieve the gold dropped by any creatures you slay.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>REPAIR FIGURINE <fig> WITH <GOLD|SILVER|PLATINUM|MARBLE></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Outlay: 1 comm.
With love and careful attention to detail, you can fix some of the minute cracks that appear in a figurine after it has been involved in a battle, extending its lifespan. This ability will become less effective each time, until the figurine is beyond repair.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>MINIATURISE <figurine></tt>
By carefully enchanting a spell of shrinking on a figurine, you can condense its power and enhance both the value of any stored esteem and the rate at which it will level up in miniature battles.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>CRANK <box></tt> (once enchanted)
Lessen the mana regeneration of enemies in the same room.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>ETCH VIVACE ON <instrument></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Commodities: 10 Magic Ink
Using magic ink, you can make a musical etching on an instrument which will make major second, tritone, and major seventh take less equilibrium to cast.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>TINKER PIPETANK</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Outlay: steel 4 gold 2 platinum 2
You can now construct an arcane pipetank, which can be attached to pipes. The mechanical chamber will pack another herb of the same type into the pipe when the last puff is smoked.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>BLOW <horn> AT <direction></tt> (once enchanted)
Blow the blast horn to knock down walls around you.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Similar to Doorblast.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>CRANK <box></tt> (once enchanted)
Lessen the ego regeneration of enemies in the same room.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>WIND <timepiece></tt> (once enchanted)
For a short time, make yourself less affected by time-altering magic.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Slightly reduces the delay of aeon.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>ENCHANT CUBE</tt>
You now have the ability to channel raw power into energy cubes, which can then be used to recharge any magical item or scroll. Also see <tt>HELP CUBES</tt>.
| style="background:darkgreen; color:white"|'''Additional Notes:'''
| style="background:lightgreen"|Each tick will drain 5% from your powerstones or reserves and add 5 charges to the cube.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>ENCHANT ROSEGLASSES</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Commodities: 2 powerstones (full), 20 gold bars
Once worn, the rose glasses will color the maker's world in such a way that consuming ego will be reduced.
[[Category:Trade Skills]]
[[Category:Trade Skills]]


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