Difference between revisions of "Knighthood"

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40 bytes added ,  11:27, 29 December 2021
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m (Missed the 's' on "notes")
m (added two links)
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|syntax = STRIKE <target> [LEFT{{!}}RIGHT] [<bodypart>]
|syntax = STRIKE <target> [LEFT{{!}}RIGHT] [<bodypart>]
|description = Bodyparts (with shorthand):
|description = Bodyparts (with shorthand):
  Head (h)
    Head (h)
  Chest (c)
    Chest (c)
  Gut (g)
    Gut (g)
  Rightarm (rarm, ra)
    Rightarm (rarm, ra)
  Leftarm (larm, la)
    Leftarm (larm, la)
  Rightleg (rleg, rl)
    Rightleg (rleg, rl)
  Leftleg (lleg, ll)
    Leftleg (lleg, ll)
Your skill with weapons is such that you may now target specific body parts on an opponent, inflicting deep wounds.
Your skill with weapons is such that you may now target specific body parts on an opponent, inflicting deep wounds.

'''Note:''' When using modifiers that you learn later once you specialize, striking with those modifiers will not inflict deep wounds.
'''Note:''' When using modifiers that you learn later once you specialize, striking with those modifiers will not inflict [[deepwounds|deep wounds]].

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BEAR <standard> GREATER (will protect those level 99 and under)<br>
BEAR <standard> GREATER (will protect those level 99 and under)<br>
BEAR <standard> FULL (will protect all)
BEAR <standard> FULL (will protect all)
|description = By bearing a standard, which can be [[Forging#Standards|crafted by a blacksmith]], you will become the focal point of a unit, standing at the front and representing the group. Any creatures that would attack your group will see and target the standard bearer first.
|description = By bearing a standard, which can be [[Forging#Standards|crafted by a blacksmith]], you will become the focal point of a [[Combat#Squads|unit]], standing at the front and representing the group. Any creatures that would attack your group will see and target the standard bearer first.



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