Difference between revisions of "Seal of Justice"

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1 byte added ,  02:54, 7 January 2022
Corrected the 2017 champion which resulted from a rematch.
(→‎Bearers of the Seal of Justice: put the winners in a neat, simple table.)
(Corrected the 2017 champion which resulted from a rematch.)
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|Falmiis||435 CE||2016||Announce #2560
|Falmiis||435 CE||2016||Announce #2560
|Davos||466 CE||2017||Announce #2701
|Ciaran||466 CE||2017||Announce #2704
|Taevyn||497 CE||2018||Announce #2800
|Taevyn||497 CE||2018||Announce #2800


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