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|skillname = Biofeedback
|syntax = PSI <channel> BIOFEEDBACK <type>
|cost = Channels: Substratus, Superstratus, Id<br>
Types: Magic, Fire, Cold, Electric<br>
Damage Modifier: 1/8 resistance to locked type
|description = By locking in the chosen type on a channel, you will gain increased resistances to that damage type. Each type will only affect you once, but you can lock up to three different types and receive the benefits of all three (though this will, of course, lock all channels).

|skillname = BodyDensity
|syntax = PSI <channel> BODYDENSITY
|cost = Channels: Superstratus
|description = Using your psychic powers, you can increase your density to help [[rooting|avoid being moved]].

|skillname = MindBar
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = PSI <channel> MINDBAR
|cost = Channels: Id<br>
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> BIOFEEDBACK <type></tt>
Damage Modifier: 1/8 psychic resistance
|description = Raise your mental bar, to help reduce the effect of others psychic energies.
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus, Superstratus, Id<br/>
Types:    Magic, Fire, Cold, Electric<br/>
Damage Modifier: variable based on skill level, max of 20
By locking in the chosen type on a channel, you will gain increased resistances to that damage type. Each type will only affect you once, but you can lock up to three different types and receive the benefits of all three (though this will, of course, lock all channels).

|skillname = Shatter
|syntax = PSI SHATTER <target>
|description = This ability will summon a mighty blast of psionic energy to shatter the psionic barriers of your target.

|skillname = Psiblade
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = PSI <channel> PSIBLADE <target><br>
PSI <channel> PSIBLADE SEVER <target><br>
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> BODYDENSITY</tt>
PSI <channel> PSIBLADE SEVER <target> <gem>
|cost = Channels: Superstratus<br>
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Superstratus
Damage Type: 100% Psychic<br>
Using your psychic powers, you can increase your density to help avoid being moved.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> MINDBAR</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Id<br/>
Damage Modifier: variable depending on skill level, max of 20
Raise your mental bar, to help reduce the effect of others psychic energies.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>PSI SHATTER <target></tt>
This ability will summon a mighty blast of psionic energy to shatter the psionic barriers of your target.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>      PSI <channel> PSIBLADE <target><br/>
PSI <channel> PSIBLADE SEVER <target><br/>
PSI <channel> PSIBLADE SEVER <target> <gem></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Channels:     Superstratus<br/>
Damage Type:   100% Psychic<br/>
Damage Source: Magical
Damage Source: Magical
|description = A basic attack to damage your foes. This will also work on those out of phase, in a [[Dreamweaving#DreamBody|dream body]], or otherwise not targetable by normal weapons. Alternatively, you can use the blade to sever the link created by [[Harmonics|charged harmonic gems]]. Your blade can target a specific gem or dilute across a random selection of gems. Against those in dream body who are [[Dreamweaving#Link|linked]] to others, you can sever that link.
A basic attack to damage your foes. This will also work on those out of phase, in a dream body, or otherwise not targetable by normal weapons. Alternatively, you can use the blade to sever the link created by charged harmonic gems. Your blade can target a specific gem or dilute across a random selection of gems.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>PSI <channel> READAURA <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus
Peer into the psychic aura of another, and see what defenses they have raised.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> PORTRAITREADING <painting number></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Id
Stand at an enchanted portrait and hear everything said in the room with the other portrait.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> EGOWHIP <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Superstratus
Whip debilitating thoughts into another, damaging his or her ego.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>PSI <channel> PSIARMOUR</tt>
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus, Superstratus, Id<br/>
Damage Modifier: variable depending on skill level, max of 12
Raise a psychic shield around yourself, to prevent some damage from normal weapons.
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> EGOSCAN <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus, Superstratus
Scan another to see the strength of their ego.

Additionally, you can send [[dreamweaving]] manifestations back to the dreamrealm, though some will take more effort than others.

|skillname = ReadAura
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = PSI <channel> READAURA <target>
|cost = Channels: Substratus
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> SECONDSIGHT</tt>
|description = Peer into the psychic aura of another, and see what defenses they have raised.
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus, Superstratus
The second sight helps one to see without the physical senses.

|skillname = PortraitReading
|syntax = PSI <channel> PORTRAITREADING <painting number><br>
|cost = Channels: Id
|description = Stand at an enchanted portrait and hear everything said in the room with
the other portrait. The ability to glance through a portrait and see all
that is on the other side requires that you are maintaining a psychic
reading of it.

|skillname = EgoWhip
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = PSI <channel> EGOWHIP <target>
|cost = Channels: Superstratus
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> PSYCHICPUSH <target> <direction></tt>
|description = Whip debilitating thoughts into another, damaging his or her ego.
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Superstratus
Telekinetically push another out of the room.

|skillname = Psiarmour
|syntax = PSI <channel> PSIARMOUR
|cost = Channels: Substratus, Superstratus, Id<br>
DamageModifier: 1/8 cutting and blunt resistance
|description = Raise a psychic shield around yourself, to prevent some damage from normal weapons.

|skillname = EgoScan
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = PSI <channel> EGOSCAN <target>
|cost = Channels: Substratus, Superstratus
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> AMNESIA <target></tt>
|description = Scan another to see the strength of their ego.
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus, Id
By blanketing a target's mind with psionic waves, you can cause a temporary bout of amnesia.

|skillname = Secondsight
|syntax = PSI <channel> SECONDSIGHT
|cost = Channels: Substratus, Superstratus
|description = The second sight helps one see without the physical senses.

|skillname = PsychicPush
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = PSI <channel> PSYCHICPUSH <target> <direction>
|cost = Channels: Superstratus
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>PSI <channel> IRONWILL</tt>
|description = Telekinetically push another out of the room.
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus, Superstratus, Id
An iron will helps one regenerate their ego and willpower faster.

|skillname = Amnesia
|syntax = PSI <channel> AMNESIA <target>
|cost = Channels: Substratus, Id
|description = By blanketing a target's mind with psionic waves, you can cause a temporary bout of [[amnesia]].

|skillname = IronWill
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = PSI <channel> IRONWILL
|cost = Channels: Substratus, Superstratus, Id
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> BODYSCAN <target></tt>
|description = An iron will helps one regenerate ego faster.
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus, Superstratus
Scan anothers body for signs of weakness.

Such is the strength of your psionically augmented ego that it receives a 3/8 bonus.
|skillname = BodyScan
|syntax = PSI <channel> BODYSCAN <target>
|cost = Channels: Substratus, Superstratus
|description = Scan anothers body for signs of weakness.

|skillname = PsiAugmentation
|description = Such is the strength of your psionically augmented ego that it receives
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
a 3/8 bonus.
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> PSYCHICBLOCK <target></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus, Id
Block your target from all forms of telepathic communication.

NOTE: This power works off a radius, as long as they are within that radius this power will continue to work. Your radius will increase as your strength in Psionics does.
|skillname = PsychicBlock
|syntax = PSI <channel> PSYCHICBLOCK <target>
|cost = Channels: Substratus, Id
|description = Block your target from all forms of telepathic communication.

NOTE: This power works off a radius, as long as they are within that radius this
power will continue to work. Your radius will increase as your strength in
Psionics does.

| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>  PSI <channel> ALTERAURA <target> <defense></tt>
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus
Alter your targets aura, removing a selected defense from them.

NOTE: You may only alter waterbreathing, waterwalking, quicksilver, fire, frost, kafe, insomnia, levitation, constitution, galvanism, or sixthsense.
|skillname = AlterAura
|syntax = PSI <channel> ALTERAURA <target> <defense>
|cost = Channels: Substratus
|description = Alter your targets aura, removing a selected defense from them.

NOTE: You may only alter waterbreathing, waterwalking, quicksilver,
fire, frost, galvanism, kafe, insomnia, levitation, constitution or

|skillname = Hyperhidrosis
| style="background:darkblue; color:white"|'''Syntax:'''
|syntax = PSI <channel> HYPERHIDROSIS
|cost = Channels: Substratus
| style="background:lightblue"|<tt>PSI <channel> HYPERHIDROSIS</tt>
|description = Raise your temperature from within to sweat off certain afflictions. Be warned,
it may make your skin a bit too slick as result, and consume much more of your  
|style="background:pink"|Channels: Substratus
mental equilibrium!
Raise your temperature from within to sweat off certain afflictions. Be warned, it may make your skin a bit too slick as result, and consume much more of your mental equilibrium!

|skillname = Master
|description = At this point in your training of Psionics, you have progressed where you must specialize in an aspect of this skill to continue learning. If you have not yet selected a specialization, see SKILLCHOICE LIST to see what is available. There may be a choice between two or more specializations.
|notes = Mages can choose between [[Telekinesis]] and [[Telepathy]]. Monks may specialize in [[Psychometabolism]].

At this point in your training of Psionics, you have progressed where you must specialize in an aspect of this skill to continue learning. If you have not yet selected a specialization, see <tt>SKILLCHOICE LIST</tt> to see what is available. There may be a choice between two or more specializations.
[[Category: Class Skills]]


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