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22 bytes added ,  21:01, 22 February 2022
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(added some details and some links)
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Once the [[Crystal Sea]], now known as the [[Sea of Despair]], this ocean is the
Once the [[Crystal Sea]], now known as the [[Sea of Despair]], this ocean is the smaller, eastern counterpart of the [[Inner Sea]]. When [[Princess Marilynth]] destroyed the first [[Pool of Stars]] during the [[Taint Wars]], she wiped the ancient city of [[Celest]] from the
smaller, eastern counterpart of the [[Inner Sea]]. When [[Princess Marilynth]]
[[Spectre Isle|island]] at the centre of the sea. The sea became blighted, both by the [[undead|ghosts]] that haunt it, and by the [[taint]]ed waters that flow down into the sea from the surrounding lands.
destroyed [[the Pool of Stars]] during the [[Taint Wars]], she wiped the ancient city of [[Celest]] from the
[[Spectre Isle|island]] at the centre of the sea. The sea became blighted, both by the
ghosts that haunt it, and by the tainted waters that flow down into the
sea from the surrounding lands.



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