Difference between revisions of "Gnome"

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547 bytes removed ,  00:33, 12 May 2022
updated to use the RacePerks template.
(added a bit at the end about what artifact unlocks this. added Races category)
(updated to use the RacePerks template.)
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Descended from the [[Elder God]] [[Agnomenon]], the '''gnomes''' came to being in the cold recesses of [[aetherspace]] rather than on the world of [[Lusternia]] itself. Remarkably intelligent, they developed [[aethership]]s on their own which eventually led them to found a colony in [[Newton Caverns]]. Smaller than dwarves, gnomes are great [[Tinkering|tinkerers]] and have an affinity with aethership travel.
[[Splintering|Descended]] from the [[Elder God]] [[Agnomenon]], the '''gnomes''' came to being in the cold recesses of [[aetherspace]] rather than on the world of [[Lusternia]] itself. Remarkably intelligent, they developed [[aethership]]s on their own which eventually led them to found a colony in [[Newton Caverns]]. Smaller than dwarves, gnomes are great [[Tinkering|tinkerers]] and have an affinity with aethership travel.

'''<nowiki>***</nowiki>NOTE: GNOME RACE IS RESTRICTED AND ONLY AVAILABLE THROUGH AN ARTIFACT<nowiki>***</nowiki>''' (See below)
'''<nowiki>***</nowiki>NOTE: GNOME RACE IS RESTRICTED AND ONLY AVAILABLE THROUGH AN ARTIFACT<nowiki>***</nowiki>''' (See below)

''Language: Common''
'''Language''': Common

{| border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="3" style="margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;" style="margin:2 2 1em 1em;"
|2/4 resistance to poison damage.
| style="font-size: larger; color:white" align="center" colspan="2" bgcolor="darkblue" | '''Perks'''
|2/4 resistance to electrical damage.
|Gnomes have spent centuries out in the vast of aetherspace, interacting and trading with all forms of life. Their experiences have given them an innate knack for [[diplomacy]]. Increased [[revolts|village ego attacks]] while [[influencing]].
| align="right" bgcolor="lightblue" | '''Level 1'''
|Trait: Experienced crewman. Reduced equilibrium costs on [[aethercraft]] chair and grid modules.
| ''2/4 resistance to poison damage.''
|Trait: Improved Trait: Veteran of the Aetherways. Reduced power costs on [[aethercraft]] chair modules, increased hull and module healing on grid modules.
| align="right" bgcolor="lightblue" | '''Level 25'''
| ''2/4 resistance to electrical damage.''
| align="right" bgcolor="lightblue" | '''Level 50'''
| ''Gnomes have spent centuries out in the vast of aetherspace, interacting and trading with all forms of life. Their experiences have given them an innate knack for diplomacy. Increased [[revolts|village ego attacks]] while influencing.''
| align="right" bgcolor="lightblue" | '''Demigod'''
| ''Experienced crewman. Reduced equilibrium costs on [[aethercraft]] chair and grid modules.''
| align="right" bgcolor="lightblue" | '''Demigod+'''
| ''Improved Trait: Veteran of the Aetherways. Reduced power costs on aethercraft chair modules, increased hull and module healing on grid modules.''



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