Difference between revisions of "Wyrdenwood"

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589 bytes removed ,  00:55, 12 May 2022
updated to use the RacePerks template.
(added links mostly.)
(updated to use the RacePerks template.)
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Note: Being as tall as they are, Wyrdenwood are capable of viewing either the ground or trees elevation. They can adjust where they are looking using <tt>PERSPECTIVE</tt>.
Note: Being as tall as they are, Wyrdenwood are capable of viewing either the ground or trees elevation. They can adjust where they are looking using <tt>PERSPECTIVE</tt>.

''Language: Common''
'''Language''': Common
|2/4 resistance to blunt damage.
|2/4 resistance to poison damage.
|1/3 health and mana regeneration in forest environments. 1/4 bonus to cutting and poison damage.
|Trait: Power of the Wyrd. Reduces the charge time for [[#Creeping|CREEPING]], [[#Insect|INSECT]], [[#Wasp|WASP]], and [[#Hornet|HORNET]] by two seconds.
|[[#CrimsonMoss|CRIMSON MOSS]] will be more effective.

{| border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="3" style="margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;" style="margin:2 2 1em 1em;"
| style="font-size: larger; color:white" align="center" colspan="2" bgcolor="darkblue" | '''Perks'''
| align="right" bgcolor="lightblue" | '''Level 1'''
| ''2/4 resistance to blunt damage.''
| align="right" bgcolor="lightblue" | '''Level 25'''
| ''2/4 resistance to poison damage.''
| align="right" bgcolor="lightblue" | '''Level 50'''
| ''1/3 health and mana regeneration in forest environments. 1/4 bonus to cutting and poison damage.''
| align="right" bgcolor="lightblue" | '''Demigod'''
| ''Trait: Power of the Wyrd. Reduces the charge time for [[#Creeping|CREEPING]], [[#Insect|INSECT]], [[#Wasp|WASP]], and [[#Hornet|HORNET]] by two seconds.''
| align="right" bgcolor="lightblue" | '''Demigod+'''
| ''[[#CrimsonMoss|CRIMSON MOSS]] will be more effective.''
[[Category: Races]]
[[Category: Races]]



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