Difference between revisions of "Timeline of Lusternia"

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1,310 bytes added ,  18:58, 14 May 2022
→‎151 - 175 CE: Filled in descriptions of several events
(→‎100 - 125 CE: Added news links for several missing events.)
(→‎151 - 175 CE: Filled in descriptions of several events)
Line 153: Line 153:
*'''159 CE'''
*'''159 CE'''
**The first [[bard]]s guild is founded in Glomdoring: the [[Harbingers of the Wyrd]]. ''({{News|Events|70}})''
**The first [[bard]]s guild is founded in [[Glomdoring]]: the [[Harbingers|Harbingers of the Wyrd]]. ''({{News|Events|70}})''
**[[Mount Zoaka]] is revealed. ''({{News|Events|71}})''
**[[Mount Zoaka]] is revealed. ''({{News|Events|71}})''
*'''161 CE'''
*'''161 CE'''
Line 159: Line 159:
*'''162 CE'''
*'''162 CE'''
**The discovery of the [[Xion]] [[aetherbubble]]. ''({{News|Events|74}})''
*'''163 CE'''
*'''163 CE'''
Line 167: Line 167:
*'''165 CE'''
*'''165 CE'''
**A great serpent made of smaller serpents first devoured [[taint]] and then threatened to destroy [[Magnagora]]. With a plan based on the [[Verses of Magnora]], mortals deliberately weakened the [[Nine Seals]] to release enough of [[Kethuru]] for the [[Soulless God]] to defeat the serpent. Though [[Avechna]] was able to seal Kethuru away in the aftermath, it was clear that the weakened Seals would not hold for long and Estarra called for a mortal's [[Ascension]] to revitalize the Nine Seals. ''({{News|Events|79}})''
*'''168 CE'''
*'''168 CE'''
**Soll is the first mortal to claim the [[Staff of Ascension]] and becomes [[Ayridion]], the White Flame. ''({{News|Events|80}})''
**Soll is the first mortal to claim the [[Staff of Ascension]] and becomes [[Ayridion|Ayridion, the White Flame]]. ''({{News|Events|89}})''
*'''170 CE'''
*'''170 CE'''
**Ayridion sought out [[Isune]] and, along with his order, reached the place where she slept, plagued by nightmares. [[Morgfyre]]'s order defiled the place and Morgfyre began to consume Isune until Ayridion was able to fight off the Legion.''({{News|Events|90}})''
*'''171 CE'''
*'''171 CE'''
**Unusual weather in [[Serenwilde]] is traced to problems in the Spiritual Flame of the Hartstone. The solution required discovering the resting place of [[Nintoba]] and the [[Spear of Nintoba]] to heal and strengthen the flame.''({{News|Events|91}})''
*'''172 CE'''
*'''172 CE'''
**[[Marani Veloske]] attempted to restore [[Nil]] back into [[Shallamar]]. The combined effort of each bard guild and many others were required to silence her. ''({{News|Events|92}})''
*'''175 CE'''
*'''175 CE'''
**A psychic wave plagues [[psionics]]-users until a series of elemental crystal archways are built that dampen the wave. ''({{News|Events|93}})''
====176 - 199 CE====
====176 - 199 CE====
*'''176 CE'''
*'''176 CE'''


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