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872 bytes added ,  20:09, 14 May 2022
Added some explanations of semi-obscure things that make visualizing the matrix tricky if you don't know them.
(added content)
(Added some explanations of semi-obscure things that make visualizing the matrix tricky if you don't know them.)
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Suspended by four glass bridges, a circular walkway surrounds the enormous floating sphere that is the Matrix. Radiating with an incandescent brilliance, the Matrix is a perfect sphere, without flaw, inherently beautiful in its precise symmetry and shape. At the heart of the Matrix spins an ever changing three dimensional mandala, an elaborate symmetrical pattern wherein each segment repeats the whole in intricate fractal designs. Upon close examination of the cold glowing colours that make up the fractal patterns, there are flashes of numbers, mathematical signs, glyphs and runes that forever stream in ever changing formulas. Soft musical chimes rise up from the Matrix sphere, tinkling sounds that rhythmically change with the shifting mandala patterns.
Suspended by four glass bridges, a circular walkway surrounds the enormous floating sphere that is the Matrix. Radiating with an incandescent brilliance, the Matrix is a perfect sphere, without flaw, inherently beautiful in its precise symmetry and shape. At the heart of the Matrix spins an ever-changing three-dimensional mandala, an elaborate symmetrical pattern wherein each segment repeats the whole in intricate fractal designs. Upon close examination of the cold glowing colours that make up the fractal patterns, there are flashes of numbers, mathematical signs, glyphs and runes that forever stream in ever changing formulas. Soft musical chimes rise up from the Matrix sphere, tinkling sounds that rhythmically change with the shifting mandala patterns.
*The Matrix is the Nexus of Power located in [[Hallifax|the City of Hallifax]].
*The Matrix is the Nexus of Power located in [[Hallifax|the City of Hallifax]].
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*The Manifestation of the Matrix (Nexus World) is the Transphenortex Grid, an Aetherbubble of crystalline flowers and energy.
*The Manifestation of the Matrix (Nexus World) is the Transphenortex Grid, an Aetherbubble of crystalline flowers and energy.
*The Matrix is empowered by the Primary Generator, which is fed coloured spheres of energy collected from the Transphenortex Grid.
*The Matrix is empowered by the Primary Generator, which is fed coloured spheres of energy collected from the Transphenortex Grid.
[[Category:Nexuses of Power]]
==Explanation of terms & references==
Visualizing the Matrix (and many things in Hallifax) can be difficult without some exposure to real-world terms such as "mandala" "fractal".
*Mandalas are typically designs consisting of concentric shapes and are used in some meditation practices (Please see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandala Wikipedia on Mandala])
*Fractals are geometric patterns that have infinite complexity, often consisting of endless shapes within/around shapes. (Please see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractal Wikipedia on Fractal] and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-similarity Wikipedia on Self-similarity])
*The "flashes of numbers, mathematical signs, glyphs and runes that forever stream in ever changing formulas" may be intended to reference the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_digital_rain code from the ''Matrix'' film series].
[[Category: Nexuses of Power]]


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