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340 bytes added ,  00:08, 18 June 2022
→‎Special Races: Added more info, links and such. Changed the format a bit too.
m (Updated some links.)
(→‎Special Races: Added more info, links and such. Changed the format a bit too.)
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==Special Races==
==Special Races==
A handful of races are not available to at character creation and must be unlocked later through other means.
A handful of races are not available to at character creation and must be unlocked later through other means.
*[[Gnome]] - Short, technological race who travel [[aetherspace]].
::Unlocked via ''a peculiar flobbergobble mushroom'' (See <tt>ASHOP 49</tt>)
*[[Nagasith]] - plane-slithering mutants unlocked through assembling their racial curio set
*[[Fink]] - Twisted matriarchal race born in [[aetherspace]].
*[[Sileni]] - six-fingered musicians unlocked through assembling their racial curio set
::Unlocked via ''an exctremely smelly flobbergobble mushroom'' (See <tt>ASHOP 48</tt>)
*Changeling - Less a race and more of a special state that is granted by the Changeling Cameo artifact. It isn't a race unto itself so much as a way to hide what race the cameo user is currently set to.
*[[Nagasith]] - Snake-like planes travellers.
::Unlocked through assembling their racial [[curio]] set.
*[[Sileni]] - Six-fingered, goat-legged musicians.
::Unlocked through assembling their racial [[curio]] set.
*Changeling - Less a race and more of a special state that is granted by the Changeling Cameo artifact (See <tt>ASHOP 13</tt>); Changeling isn't a race unto itself so much as a way to hide what race the cameo's user is currently set to.


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