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4,149 bytes added ,  22:31, 10 July 2022
This took some doing. I added a section on what I'm calling general curio collections including a table of them.
(Added a section on consumable curios)
(This took some doing. I added a section on what I'm calling general curio collections including a table of them.)
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Curios are special items that must be pieced together and, when completed, might be carried, worn or placed in a manse. Pieces often come from quests or promotional events. On top of the benefits of each individual completed curio, many curios provide an additional power when one completes all the curios in a collection.
'''Curios''' are special items that must be pieced together and, when completed, might be carried, worn or placed in a manse. Pieces often come from quests or promotional events. On top of the benefits of each individual completed curio, many curios provide an additional power when one completes all the curios in a collection.

Trade in curio pieces among adventurers is very common and facilitated by the <tt>CURIOMARKET</tt> command.
Trade in curio pieces among adventurers is very common and facilitated by the <tt>CURIOMARKET</tt> command.

Known curios include:
== General Curio Collections ==
Most of the earliest curios fit a pattern of being part of a themed collection of 4: a Magic Item curio, a Damage Resistance curio, a Damage Enhancement curio and a Travel curio.
*Magic Item curios are enchantable like jewelry but can hold up to 200 charges.
*Damage Resistance curios may either grant 1/7 resistance to each of two damage types or some number in one damage type.
**Only one Damage Resistance curio may be active at a time.
*Damage Enhancement curios may either grant 1/7 buff for each of two damage types or some number for one damage type.
**Only one Damage Enhancement curio may be active at a time.
*Travel curios grant +1 [[celerity]] when in the pertinent environment.
**All travel curios in one's inventory are active at all times.
Each of these collections also has a collection power.
{| class="wikitable"
! Collection
! Magic Item
! Damage Resist
! Damage Enhance
! Travel
|+General Collections
|rowspan="2"|Astro||Splintered Star||Crystal Moon||Crystal Comet||Glittering Sun
|Enchantable 200||Excorable & Magic||Divinus & Magic||Clouds
|rowspan="2"|Bird||Glass Peacock||Porcelain Dove||Ceramic Parrot||Gem Swan
|Enchantable 200||Cold||Fire||Jungle
|rowspan="2"|Bone||Diamond Skull||Crystal Femur||Ruby Rib||Knucklebone
|Enchantable 200||Blunt||Blunt||Desert
|rowspan="2"|Face||Glaring Eyeball||Sniffing Nose||Disembodied Mouth||Floating Ear
|Enchantable 200||Magic & Psychic||Magic & Psychic||Ocean
|rowspan="2"|Feather||Golden Feather||Bronze Feather||Silver Feather||Platinum Feather
|Enchantable 200||magic||magic||Mountain
|rowspan="2"|Figure||Wooden Soldier||Tin Tinker||Bronze Tailor||Iron Spy
|Enchantable 200||Cold||Cold||Urban
|rowspan="2"|Flower||Gem Rose||Jewel Orchid||Ruby Tulip||Jeweled Lily
|Enchantable 200||Fire||Fire||Forest
|rowspan="2"|Flutter||Glass Butterfly||Jade Moth||Jeweled Dragonfly||Golden Bumblebee
|Enchantable 200||Poison & Fire||Poison& Fire||Tundra
|rowspan="2"|Forsaken||Jewelled Skull||Forsaken Veil||Jewelled Eye||Frozen Spearhead
|Enchantable 200||Psychic & Excorable||Psychic & Divinus||Polar
|rowspan="2"|Ice Angel||Guardian Medal||Cloudberry Basket||Ice Skull||Phoenix Plume
|Enchantable 200||Cold & Divinus||Cold & Excorable||Polar
|rowspan="2"|Light||Bewitch Lantern||Runed Torch||Silver Candelabra||Murex Beacon
|Enchantable 200||Divinus & Electrical||Divinus & Electrical||Beach
|rowspan="2"|Mechanical||Toothed Cog||Oiled Gear||Clockwork Pendulum||Brass Sprocket
|Enchantable 200||Excorable & Blunt||Excorable & Blunt||Astral
|rowspan="2"|Scholar||Feather Quill||Square Inkwell||Scholar's Notepad||Silver Penknife
|Enchantable 200||Psychic & Blunt||Psychic & Blunt||Hills
|rowspan="2"|Sky||White Cloud||Shimmering Rainbow||Icy Snowflake||Crystal Lightning
|Enchantable 200||Asphyxiation||Asphyxiation||Polar
|rowspan="2"|Snake||Avaricious Asp||Emerald Cobra||Rapacious Rattlesnake||Boa Constrictor
|Enchantable 200||Poison||Poison||Swamp
|rowspan="2"|Soulless||Corrupt Staff||Dark Flame||Toxic Spine||Dark Diamond
|Enchantable 200||Divinus||Excorable||Netherworld
|rowspan="2"|Spider||Spiderweb||Leering Tarantula||Black Widow||Silk Spider
|Enchantable 200||Cutting & Electrical||Cutting & Electrical||Trees
|rowspan="2"|Tool||Steel Wrench||Screwdriver||Gleaming Saw||Oily Ratchet
|Enchantable 200||Psychic||Psychic||Grasslands
|rowspan="2"|Torture||Straight Razor||Leather Flog||Steel Handcuffs||Sable Blindflold
|Enchantable 200||Divinus & Asphyxiation||Excorable & Asphyxiation||Wasteland
|rowspan="2"|Toy||Magic Bear||Stuffed Wakabi||Stuffed Piglet||Stuffed Donkey
|Enchantable 200||Poison & Cutting||Poison & Cutting||Valley
|rowspan="2"|Utensil||Silver Spoon||Dainty Fork||Wooden Tongs||Butterknife
|Enchantable 200||Electrical||Electrical||Volcanic
|rowspan="2"|Vernal||Chroma Rod||Holy Helm||Vernal Bracers||Pearl Sandals
|Enchantable 200||Excorable||Divinus||Divine
|rowspan="2"|Waystation||Wooden Luggage||Wooden Driver||Wooden Wakabi||Wooden Carriage
|Enchantable 200||Blunt & Cutting||Blunt & Cutting||Road

== Buffs and Blessings ==
== Buffs and Blessings ==


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