Difference between revisions of "Class"

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7,577 bytes removed ,  00:50, 12 July 2022
Finished transitioning all the class descriptions into using transclusion.
(→‎Shadowdancers: changed this to use transclusion.)
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==[[New Celest]]==
==[[New Celest]]==

Archetype: [[Guardian]]
Archetype: [[Guardian]]
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Archetype: [[Mage]]
Archetype: [[Mage]]
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Archetype: [[Warrior]]
Archetype: [[Warrior]]
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Archetype: [[Bard]]
Archetype: [[Bard]]
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{{:Ninjakari (class)}}
The '''Ninjakari''' are the monks of [[Magnagora]], trained in the deadly arts of the jakari, a chain weapon. Their monk school was founded after the discovery of the [[illithoid]], who imparted their arts to the Magnagorans, sensing close allies in their mutual goals. The Ninjakari are [[stealth]]y warriors, preferring to strike from the shadows when least expected than engage the enemy directly, disdaining those who lack subtlety in their methods.

Archetype: [[Monk]]
Archetype: [[Monk]]
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Deep in the heart of the [[Glomdoring Forest]], the [[Song of Dark Returning]] lay dormant for many, many years. In the early years of Glomdoring reawakened, [[Crow]] began to appear with [[Brennan Stormcrow]] in the dreams. Brennan, whole and handsome, spoke to the commune of the Song, slowly revealing hints and eventually leading the whole commune to search for it. Uncovering the words, many of the commune's guildless druids agreed to sing the Song, hoping it would reawaken Crow, so that he might teach one to lead the druids on a new, uncertain path. After many unsuccessful tries, Glomdoring was informed that they must choose amongst themselves who the Chosen of Crow would be, and they would be handed the spine of a feather to open the way to the [[Dark Nest]]. After some debate and discussion, Bau Sayelle-Gladheart was eventually chosen to be the first Eye of Crow, and sang the Song of Dark Returning which gave birth to the '''Blacktalon''' Guild.

Archetype: [[Druid]]
Archetype: [[Druid]]
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In the year 115, shortly after [[Rowena Nightshade]] passed on her mantle of power to the new Queen of the Night, [[Viravain|Lady Viravain]] asked a simple [[tae'dae]] warrior if he planned to travel the path of the [[Shadowdancers]]. He was a warrior armed with flails and explained to the Lady Viravain that he sought a guild of warriors to protect the Glomdoring, to take up arms in battle where needed. Finding much wisdom in the words of the bear, Viravain decreed that it would be so, and asked what this group of warriors would be called. Shocked and amazed, the tae'dae said the first name that came to his mind, and that name was 'Ebonguard'. And so it came to pass that this most unlikely of tae'daes, whose name was [[Daganev Treeripper]], founded the '''Ebonguard''' and took the title of Merciless Chieftain of the Ravenwood. The Ebonguard attracted many who had sought out the newly founded commune of Glomdoring, banding together as a tribe of fierce warriors. Using steel and might along with the teachings of the [[Great Spirits|Great Totem Spirits]], the Ebonguard embodies the Spirit of the [[Ebonglom Wyrm]]. But what this truly means remains an enigma to those outside of this fledgling guild. Are the Ebonguard brutal merciless warriors or deep pondering mystics? Do they care only for Nature or only to enhance their own power? The answer perhaps can only be found deep within the Mysteries of the Ebonglom Wyrm itself.

Archetype: [[Warrior]]
Archetype: [[Warrior]]
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{{:Nekotai (class)}}
The pact between [[Glomdoring]] and the [[Illithoid]] of the [[Undervault]] culminated in the formation of the insidious '''Cult of the Nekotai''' in the year 204CE. Upon being [[Honour Quests|raised as the Avatar of Illith]] by Kaervas d'Murani, [[Great Cthoglogg]] pledged the aid of the Illithoid in teaching their ancient arts to their newfound allies. Named after a [[fae]] word meaning "bringer of sorrow", the Nekotai study under the watchful guidance of [[Madam Yoraghu]]. The primary weapons of the Nekotai are the nekai, long claws which enable them to incapacitate their foes by tearing flesh from bone and causing severe nerve damage. Fierce defenders of their territory, they stand as sentinels ever present in the gloom of their home, scouting the lands for intruders and warding off those who dare to come near. The sacred beliefs of the Nekotai are shrouded in secrecy, though they are known for their steadfast devotion to the exultant [[Wyrd]].

Archetype: [[Monk]]
Archetype: [[Monk]]
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The origins of the '''Illuminati''' are unknown, though it is generally accepted that they are extremely ancient, certainly predating the [[Celestine Empire]]. Some scholars have speculated that the Illuminati predates even the [[Vernal Wars]], though there has never been any conclusive evidence on this one way or the other. At the time of the founding of the Celestine Empire, the Illuminati were known as an enigmatic sect of primarily [[dracnari]] mystics, revered by most dracnari for their spiritual wisdom and strength. After the Illuminati opened the way to the [[Eternal Flame]], it is rumoured that their occult and esoteric teachings had a renaissance. However, the Illuminati had always closely guarded their rites of Initiation into the Mysteries, and the general public only saw their spiritual and mystic powers increase dramatically. Around this time, members of the Illuminati began to wear their [[Transmology#Folds|trademark robes that hid their features]] and it is also around this time that the dracnari developed the skills of [[Beastmastery]].

Archetype: [[Guardian]]
Archetype: [[Guardian]]
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The '''Pyromancers''' class are mages who devote themselves to the element of [[fire]]. Though originally founded many centuries ago, the guild was lost during the [[Taint Wars]] when the [[Gaudiguch|City of Gaudiguch]] was trapped in time and space for over 500 years. The Pyromancer [[Scuchidira Tliwx]] was the only survivor, and it was she who reopened the guild. Of all the mage skills, pyromancy is the most aggressive of all the elemental powers, though it offers little in the way of defense.

Archetype: [[Mage]]
Archetype: [[Mage]]
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Before the opening of the [[Eternal Flame]] and the founding of the [[Gaudiguch]], the [[#Illuminati|Illuminati]] were known as a sect of primarily [[dracnari]] mystics. Their inner teachings were closely kept occult secrets, guarded zealously by a subsect known only as the '''Guardians of the Hidden Temple''' (the 'hidden temple' is often regarded as a metaphor for their spiritual teachings rather than an actual structure). Throughout ancient history the Illuminati went through periods of denying the existence of the Guardians to promoting them as a charitable arm of the sect. Unsubstantiated rumours often followed the subsect as being in possession of powerful relics and artifacts. When the Eternal Flame was opened, the Guardians of the Hidden Temple were refounded as the '''Templars''', being a more overtly militant arm of the Illuminati, though still charged with the primary task of protecting the [[Secrets of Initiation]]. In time, the Templars took on more mundane guard roles and were eventually considered the military arm of Gaudiguch.
Archetype: [[Warrior]]
Archetype: [[Warrior]]

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The '''Minstrels''' Guild was founded just after the [[Era of the Wounded Sky]] in the year 315 C.E. after the Voice of [[Gullagumbah]] was freed after being held captive by the [[Ice Angels]] and before that the [[Frost Spite]]. When the Voice of Gullagumbah was in captivity, it used to help break the sky and amplify the power of the [[Soulless God]] [[Zenos]]. After finding freedom, the Voice was attracted to the intoxicated state of [[Beloch Baruwski]] in Gaudiguch and took up residence in his body. When the Voice of Gullagumbah heard the song sung by Tetra Alin'dor, who also composed it, titled "Morning Star", it left the body of Beloch and took up residence in the [[Pleasure Palace]], founding what is now known as the Minstrels Guild.

Archetype: [[Bard]]
Archetype: [[Bard]]
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The '''College of Aeromancers''' are mages who devote themselves to the element of air. Though originally founded many centuries ago, the class was lost during the [[Taint Wars]] when the [[Hallifax|City of Hallifax]] was trapped in time and space for over 500 years. The Aeromancer [[Cririk Adom]] was the only survivor, and it was he who reopened the guild. Teaching the arts of wind, cloud and storm, the Aeromancers are a formidable force to be reckoned with, despite their academic and intellectual leanings.

Archetype: [[Mage]]
Archetype: [[Mage]]


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