Difference between revisions of "Bondero Bay"

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413 bytes added ,  03:03, 11 August 2022
Added inhabitants and adjacent areas; removed helpcopy template.
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(Added inhabitants and adjacent areas; removed helpcopy template.)
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Stretching out southwards from the [[Inner Sea]] to link with the delta of the [[Gloriana River]] are the placid waters of Bondero Bay.
Stretching out southwards from the [[Inner Sea]] to link with the delta of the [[Gloriana River]] are the placid waters of Bondero Bay.
a white albatross
*Might: exudes a quiet confidence.
*Personality: impossible
*Not loyal to anything.
a sleek dolphin
*Might: seems to be unafraid.
*Personality: impossible
*Loyal to the [[Kelpies of the Inner Sea]].
==Adjacent Areas==
*Isle of [[Vesucia]]
*Isle of [[Itecia]]
*Isle of [[Nyalia]]
*[[Great Southern Highway]]
*[[Inner Sea]] to the north
*[[Gloriana River]] to the southeast
*[[Balach Swamp]]
[[Category: Geography]]


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