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|continent = Basin of Life
|continent = Basin of Life
Below the [[Old Imperial Road]] near [[Dairuchi]] lies the dormant command hub of the Cavaliers, an ancient team of warriors who sought to defend the [[Heart of Shallah]] from the [[Dominators]] and [[Time Dames]] of [[Goloth Maxyenka]].
Below the [[Old Imperial Road]] near [[Dairuchi]] lies the dormant command hub of the Cavaliers, an ancient team of warriors who sought to defend the [[Heart of Shallah]] from the [[Dominator]]s and [[Time Dame]]s of [[Goloth Maxyenka]].
===Lebo Needles===
*Might: looks to be crushingly strong.
*Personality: Friendly.
*Shallah's Squire
==Adjacent Areas==
*[[Old Imperial Road]]


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