Difference between revisions of "Wonderbrazier"

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4 bytes added ,  05:23, 13 April 2023
adding a link to crit
(added some links)
m (adding a link to crit)
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|15||||When offering, acts as a level 40 miniaturised figurine bonus-wise. You can also <tt>OFFER BRAZIER <esteem></tt> to only offer a portion of your brazier.
|15||||When offering, acts as a level 40 miniaturised figurine bonus-wise. You can also <tt>OFFER BRAZIER <esteem></tt> to only offer a portion of your brazier.
|16||Soulspark||Adds a small crit chance to non-village influencing.
|16||Soulspark||Adds a small [[crit]] chance to non-village influencing.
|17||Beacon||Creates a beacon anywhere on a known plane and return to it.
|17||Beacon||Creates a beacon anywhere on a known plane and return to it.


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