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Targetable: Yes <br>
Targetable: Yes <br>
Power:      3 (Pool of Stars)  
Power:      3 (Pool of Stars)  
|description = Before [[Princess Marilynth]], the last [[:Category:Vernal Gods|Vernal God]]dess, sacrificed herself to save [[Celestia]] and the [[Elemental Plane of Water|elemental plane of water]] from [[the Taint]], she sang one bittersweet note in farewell. That note can be captured in your hymn and those who hear it may be caught up in that longlost memory. As the mind replays what it has experienced before, so too will your victims relive the experience of certain attacks for a short time following this attack.
|description = Before [[Princess Marilynth]], the last [[Vernal God]]dess, sacrificed herself to save [[Celestia]] and the [[Water (Plane)|elemental plane of water]] from [[the Taint]], she sang one bittersweet note in farewell. That note can be captured in your hymn and those who hear it may be caught up in that longlost memory. As the mind replays what it has experienced before, so too will your victims relive the experience of certain attacks for a short time following this attack.
[[#StarLight|Starlight]], [[#CrusaderCanto|CrusaderCanto]], [[#StarChord|Starchord]], [[Glamours#ColourSpray|ColourSpray]]/[[Glamours#ColourBurst|Burst]], [[Glamours#RainbowPattern|RainbowPattern]], [[Tarot#Warrior|Warrior]], [[Dramaturgy#Pratfall|Pratfall]], and [[#AvengingAngel|AvengingAngel]] will all trigger twice or have their effectiveness roughly doubled while the victim is suffering from these echoes. If AvengingAngel is on target, [[#JustChorale|JustChorale]] will also be
[[#StarLight|Starlight]], [[#CrusaderCanto|CrusaderCanto]], [[#StarChord|Starchord]], [[Glamours#ColourSpray|ColourSpray]]/[[Glamours#ColourBurst|Burst]], [[Glamours#RainbowPattern|RainbowPattern]], [[Tarot#Warrior|Warrior]], [[Dramaturgy#Pratfall|Pratfall]], and [[#AvengingAngel|AvengingAngel]] will all trigger twice or have their effectiveness roughly doubled while the victim is suffering from these echoes. If AvengingAngel is on target, [[#JustChorale|JustChorale]] will also be


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