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3,984 bytes added ,  02:54, 6 May 2023
Added constructs for Magnagora and Serenwilde. Experimenting with a different formatting.
(Added Ephemeral Spire and Cloud of Contemplation descriptions)
(Added constructs for Magnagora and Serenwilde. Experimenting with a different formatting.)
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==Hallifax Constructs==
==Hallifax Constructs==
*+25% XP Gain on Aether Bubbles.
*+25% XP Gain on [[Aetherbubble|Aether Bubble]]s.
*No immolation cost.
*No immolation cost.
*<tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Transports Hallifax citizens to the Air Lords.
*<tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Transports Hallifax citizens to the [[Air Lord]]s.
*<tt>TOUCH WHIRLWIND</tt> - Transports to the Opal Spire from a swirling whirlwind.
*<tt>TOUCH WHIRLWIND</tt> - Transports to the Opal Spire from a swirling whirlwind.
*Enemies of Hallifax will be driven insane on the [[Air (plane)|plane of Air]].
*Enemies of Hallifax will be driven insane on the [[Air (plane)|plane of Air]].
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*<tt>TIMECHANT QUICKENING</tt> - Four minutes of 2/4 eq and balance bonuses, usable once per day.
*<tt>TIMECHANT QUICKENING</tt> - Four minutes of 2/4 eq and balance bonuses, usable once per day.
*[[Aeonics#Aging|<tt>TIMECHANT AGEING</tt>]] usable for anyone with Time Sense but if not possessing the skill normally, can only cast on oneself. If normally able to cast, it requires no power.
*[[Aeonics#Aging|<tt>TIMECHANT AGEING</tt>]] usable for anyone with Time Sense but if not possessing the skill normally, can only cast on oneself. If normally able to cast, it requires no power.
*Citizens will have a 0/4 to 3/4 health/mana/ego regeneration buff depending on the Sun sign's ascendancy for Hallifax.
*Citizens will have a 0/4 to 3/4 health/mana/ego regeneration buff depending on the [[Astrology#Ascendant|Sun sign's ascendancy]] for Hallifax.
*<tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Gives a Cloud of Contemplation for 10 power
*<tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Gives a Cloud of Contemplation for 10 power
*Cloud gives the ability to float on clouds and fly
*Cloud gives the ability to float on clouds and [[fly]]
*Cloud gives 1/7 resistance to all damage sources
*Cloud gives 1/7 resistance to all damage sources
*Cloud gives a further 1/7 resistance to electricity
*Cloud gives a further 1/7 resistance to electricity
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*Cloud of Contemplation description
*Cloud of Contemplation description
<blockquote>Condensed water vapor has formed this miniscule, palm-sized floating cloud. Strangely, despite its diaphanous nature, the cloud retains its overall structure with relative ease, even bearing a slight tensile strength along its fluffy surface. Cool and damp to the touch, faint tendrils of nacreous cloudstuff spiral away from its main body on occasion, hair-thin strands bending into complex fractals before twisting into nothingness.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Condensed water vapor has formed this miniscule, palm-sized floating cloud. Strangely, despite its diaphanous nature, the cloud retains its overall structure with relative ease, even bearing a slight tensile strength along its fluffy surface. Cool and damp to the touch, faint tendrils of nacreous cloudstuff spiral away from its main body on occasion, hair-thin strands bending into complex fractals before twisting into nothingness.</blockquote>
==Magnagora Constructs==
  +25% XP Gain on [[Aetherbubble|Aether Bubble]]s.
  No immolation cost.
  While the construct is active, [[Necromancy#Lichdom|lich]]es will receive the following benefits:
    Chance to resist mental afflictions.
    At night, will gain [[Acrobatics#Adroitness|ADROITNESS]] for [[Celerity|faster movement]].
    Resistance to all damage types and an extra resistance to cold damage.
    2/4 regeneration in [[Geomancy#Taint|Taint]].
    <tt>DARKCHANT BLOODRAGE</tt> - Provides a day-long experience boost, doubled in Tainted rooms. Only usable twice per month.
    <tt>DARKCHANT TRUTH</tt> - Ability to purge insanity from the body and mind, usable once per month.
  <tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Transports Magnagoran citizens to [[Nil]].
  <tt>TOUCH STONE</tt> - Transports to the Guardian Altar from the ancient stone.
  Enemies of Magnagora will be driven insane on the plane of Nil.
  Discretionary powers can be freely used on the plane of Nil.
  Members of Magnagora receive 2/4 regeneration on the plane of Nil.
  <tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Transports Magnagoran citizens to the [[Earth Lord]]s.
  <tt>TOUCH TABLE</tt> - Transports to the Guardian Rock from the cracked table.
  Enemies of Magnagora will be driven insane on the [[Earth (plane)|earth plane]].
  Discretionary powers can be freely used on the earth plane.
  Citizens of Magnagora receive 2/4 regeneration on the earth plane.
  <tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Gives a Tainted Spike for 10 power
  Spike can be <tt>POINT</tt>ed at others to cause disease
  Spikes gives +1 sip bonus
  <tt>SLAM SPIKE</tt> - Once per day, spike can be driven into the ground to cause an earthquake, which will [[sprawled|sprawl]] everyone in the room and have a chance of [[stun]]ning
  1/7 resistance to all damage sources
==Serenwilde Constructs==
  +25% XP Gain on [[Aetherbubble|Aether Bubble]]s.
  No immolation cost.
  <tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Gives the moonchilde aura for 10 power.
  Moonchilde aura allows <tt>TELEPORT MOON</tt> from [[prime]]/[[ethereal]]/[[astral]].
  Moonchilde aura allows <tt>TOUCH DISH</tt> transport from Moon Dish to Moon Altar.
  Moondancers with [[Moon#Cone|Cone]] can do the spell individually.
  Moonchildren can <tt>MOONBEAM TO <target></tt>, though [[Moon]] users with the existing ability will be much faster at it.
  All with the Moonchilde aura can be part of a [[Moon#Coven|coven]] but will not count for [[Moon#Rage|Rage]].
  Regeneration for Moonchildren outdoors, increasing as the moon becomes more full.
  1/3 ego bonus for Moonchildren.
  <tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Transports Serenwilde members to the Last Standing Stone.
  <tt>TOUCH ANTLERS</tt> - Transports to the Guardian Tree from the floating antlers.
  Enemies of Serenwilde will be driven insane in [[Ethereal Serenwilde|its Ethereal territory]].
  Discretionary powers can be freely used on the [[ethereal plane]].
  Members of Serenwilde receive 2/4 regeneration anywhere on the [[ethereal]].
  <tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Sends a guardian foal for 10 power
  Foal makes it [[Celerity|easier to move more rooms before becoming more hasty]]
  Very small chance of partially intercepting an attack
  The power of [[Stag#Ringwalk|Ringwalk]], [[Stag#Parade|Parade]], and [[Stag#AncestralCurse|Ancestral Curse]] are increased for [[Stag]] users.
  1/7 resistance to all damage sources
  <tt>TOUCH <construct></tt> - Transports Serenwilde members to the [[Serenwilde#Flame_of_Glinshari|Flame of Glinshari]] on [[Prime Material Plane|prime]]
  <tt>TOUCH BASIN</tt> - Transports to the Sacred Tree from the Flame of Glinshari
  Discretionary power of Liveforest can be used for free on the [[Prime Material Plane]]
  Trees in Serenwilde will produce 50% more wood


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