Difference between revisions of "Hallifax"

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338 bytes added ,  03:19, 10 August 2023
Added a list of Historical Figures
(Updated some links.)
(Added a list of Historical Figures)
Line 40: Line 40:
*Faethun Skysoarer
*Faethun Skysoarer
*Senior Researcher Aduathic Arthar'rt
*Senior Researcher Aduathic Arthar'rt
==Historical Figures==
===Taint Wars Era===
*[[Cririk Adom]]
*[[Lilali Skysoarer]]
*[[En'oonki Lars]]
*[[Hieli Goldfeather]]
*[[Sweeloh Sunfar]]
*[[Ieck'co Shevat]]
*[[Ke'kix Oolin]]
*[[Tooli Goldfeather]]
*[[Chia Cloudwalker]]
===Nature Wars Era===
*[[Ilolae Silverplume]] - trill Chairman of the Board
*[[Ju'raii Taroch]] - Professor

==Organization Emotes==
==Organization Emotes==


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