Difference between revisions of "Horn of Urlach"

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**Found to not impart this blessing upon the living.
**Found to not impart this blessing upon the living.
*During the [[Taint Wars]], [[Emperor Ladantine VII]] intended to use this to render himself and his [[taint]]ed forces unstoppable.
*During the [[Taint Wars]], [[Emperor Ladantine VII]] intended to use this to render himself and his [[taint]]ed forces unstoppable.
**The Horn was to be sent by ship to [[Celest]] but never arrived because [[Farella Lunseer]] had directed the [[kelpies]] to sink all imperial ships in the [[Crystal Sea]].
**The Horn was to be sent by ship to [[Celest]] but never arrived because [[Farella Lunseer]] had directed the [[kelpie]]s to sink all imperial ships in the [[Crystal Sea]].

[[Category: Vernal Artifacts]]
[[Category: Vernal Artifacts]]


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